Mean Girl Problems

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When we pull away, the bell rings signaling its time for lunch, me and Jason stand up and walk to the cafeteria. When we get there we see Annabeth and Percy, a boy with brown, curly hair, a girl with short, black hair, a girl with caramel colored hair, a girl with dark colored skin, and dark, curly hair, an Asian looking boy, a boy with short, black hair, and a boy with short, blond hair. Jason pulls me over to them.

"Hey guys, this is Piper, Piper these are Leo, Calypso, Thalia, my sister, Hazel, Frank, Nico, and Will and you've already met Percy and Annabeth," he says.

"Hey," I say, in a shy way.

"Nice to meet you, Piper," the girl, Calypso says.

"Nice to meet y'all too," I say, and sit down with Jason sitting down right beside me.

Jason is friends with some really funny people. Leo keeps cracking jokes, and we all laugh. Calypso is very nice and seems like she'll be very easy to get along with. Hazel is also really nice. Frank is pretty quiet. Nico seems like he likes to keep things to himself. Will seems very nice and funny. Thalia seems like a nice girl, and Annabeth and Percy well they're the same as they were in class. Just then Reyna and her friends walk up to us.

"Hey guys, Piper how was theater?" She asks laughing. I sit there looking down not even looking at her.

"How pathetic," Reyna says.

"Reyna what do you want?" Percy asks.

"Just wanted to talk to Piper," Reyna says.

"Well can't you see she doesn't want to talk to you?" Annabeth asks her.

"You know what, Reyna, my day has been going great, thanks for asking," I say, looking up at her. She looks at me and smirks.

"And how has your day been great?" She asks.

"Well I've made some awesome friends, and I've also met a really handsome guy," I say, smiling back at Jason.

"You better stay away from Jason, he is mine!" Reyna warns.

"Actually Reyna, I have and never will like you, there is a much prettier and sweeter girl here, and she is sitting right here," Jason says pointing directly at me. I smile and Jason smiles.

"Whatever," Reyna says and walks off.

"What was that about?" Calypso asks.

"Um...let's just say something happened in theater, that I don't want to talk about," I say, and Jason gives me a sympathetic look, and the rest of the group just looks confused.

"Anyways how are you liking Greek High so far, Piper?" Calypso asks me.

"It's pretty good, I mean besides Reyna and being put in theater, I like it," I say.

"What's wrong with theater," Leo asks.

"Um...I have stage fright and I don't like being the center of attention, and I had to audition for a play today, and I froze, and got really embarrassed," I say, looking down.

"Piper, it's ok, that's nothing to be embarrassed about," Annabeth says.

"Yea it is, it's so bad, that I start crying," I say.

"Have you talked about it with your parents?" Calypso asks. My parents are a touchy subject for me, because I hardly ever see my dad, and my mom is around, but is always busy with her work.

" parents...well my dad is never really around...and mom...well...she is always working," I say, and feel a tear fall from my cheek.

"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" Calypso starts but I cut her off.

"No it's fine, it's just I don't like talking about my parents, and my life is complicated, but it's nothing y'all need to worry about, um... I'll be right back," I say, standing up and walking towards the bathroom.

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