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The next day
Jason stayed with me the whole rest of yesterday and he even stayed throughout the night. Right now we are driving to school. I haven't said hardly anything after the events of yesterday and I haven't said a word today, I won't even eat or drink anything, because I am just really scared. Jason has been trying to get me to eat, drink, and talk but I won't. All I want is for him just to be there for me and he has. When we get to school and get out of the car I get a ton of looks some filled with sympathy and some filled with laughter. Jason wraps his arm around my waist and we walk to where we usually meet our friends. When we get there we only see Leo and Calypso, so we walk over to them.

"Hey guys!" Jason says.

"Hey!" Leo and Calypso say at the same time. I don't say anything, because I can't get myself to speak.

"Are you ok, Piper?" Calypso asks and I nod my head.

"Piper isn't talking right now," Jason tells them for me.

"Hey I gotta to talk to Leo I'll be right back," Jason tells me and him and Leo go somewhere else and Calypso come up to me.

"Here, come sit down," Calypso tells me and I sit beside her at one of the picnic tables.

"Hey gorgeous!" Someone from behind us says and I recognize it as Dylan's voice. I start breathing heavy and me and Calypso turn around. Calypso stands up and steps in front of me.

"Leave her alone, Dylan!" Calypso says.

"What are you going to do, I could easily rape you again. Neither one of your boyfriends are here, right now!" Dylan says, I let out a whimper and Calypso lays a hand on my shoulder to let me know it's all right.

"Looks like Piper is scared. That was amazing yesterday Piper," Dylan says.

"Dylan leave us alone. You've done enough all ready!" Calypso demands.

"I'm just getting started!" Dylan says and walks up to us and then I feel someone grab my shoulder and pull a knife to my throat, and Dylan pulls a knife to Calypso's throat.

"Dylan let us go!!" Calypso yells. I am to scared to say anything so I try to squirm out of whoever has me's grip.

"Why, you are both to pretty to let go to waste. Take them to the van," Dylan tells the guy that has me and he grabs Calypso and starts taking us somewhere.

"HEY LET THEM GO!!!" I hear Leo and Jason yell and see them running over here. The knife gets pressed even deeper into my throat but not enough to actually kill me just enough to cause pain, and I let out a whimper. I feel the guy drop the knife and let go of me. The same happens to Calypso and I run over to her and hug her as the boys take care of Dylan and his friend.

"Piper it's ok!" Calypso says trying to calm me down.

When the boys are done with Dylan and his friend they run over to us and I get out of Calypsos grasp and move to Jason as Calypso moves to Leo.

"Are y'all ok?!" Leo asks.

"Yea, Piper are you ok?" Calypso asks. I nod my head.

"HEY GUYS!!" We we hear our friends yell and they run up to us.

"Hey!!" Leo says.

At lunch time
At lunch we decide to sit outside since it is a nice day. I don't eat anything even though my friends keep trying to get me too.

"Come on Piper, just eat an apple or something," Annabeth says.

I shake my head, and lay it on the table.

"PIPER MCLEAN YOU ARE DEAD!!" I hear Reyna yell.

I turn and see her and Drew walking up to us and they look extremely mad. I roll my eyes.

"REYNA LEAVE HER ALONE!!" Jason yells.

"Not till she pays for what she did!!" Reyna yells.

"What did she do?" Nico asks.

Reyna says nothing and yanks my hair pulling me up. I scream out in shock and she throws me down on the ground.

"REYNA LEAVE HER ALONE!!" My friends yell.

"You're gonna pay for ever getting Dylan in trouble!!" Reyna says. My eyes go huge.

"He shouldn't have tried to rape me!!" I yell and get up.

"HE DIDN'T "RAPE" YOU!!" Drew screams.

"I DON'T HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH Y'ALL, I HAVE OTHER THINGS TO DEAL WITH!!!" I scream and take off running towards my house. I hear footsteps follow me but I don't care they can follow me all they want.

High School Love story Book 1Where stories live. Discover now