Chapter 1

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Marinette's Balcony

" Oh Tikki he didn't show up today, today was the day" Marinette sighed. She stared up at the moon with a heavy heart, with tears streaming down her face. " He was probably just busy Marinette, it'll be alright " Tikki reasoned. She was in love with this boy for a whole year and this happened every time, she couldn't bring herself to say anything else and just stared solemnly at the sky.

Grand Paris Hotel

" I told you she was going to stand you up, you should've listened to me" Plagg scolded. " She's probably just running late, I should probably transform before she gets here, Plagg, CLAWS OUT! " Adrien yelled before Plagg could make him feel any worse. The roof of the Grand Paris hotel was lined with lanterns while overlooking the Eiffel tower. The sky was filled with stars and the bright moon shone down on him disrupting the delicate mood of the city, it made sense though, somehow making it all come together. He looked up at the moon, wondering if his lady was looking at it too. " She has to come" he whispered to himself "She has to".

He waited for what seemed like an eternity, he watched as couples walked home from their romantic dates with happy smiles. He felt his chest tear in what seemed like jealousy but felt more like heartbreak. " She isn't coming, I should've known." He thought to himself. How could he be so stupid, Ladybug doesn't love him, she never did. "I should get home," he thought to himself.

He leapt down from the hotel and started to walk, he didn't have the energy to leap from building to building as he usually did. He stared at the ground as he walked, he couldn't bear to look around and see all the symbols of love taunting him, the irony of living in the city of love but carrying grief instead of sweet love in his heart.

As he walked by with a sickening feeling of distress in his heart, he passed by the Dupain-Cheng bakery. Naturally, he lifted his head to the wonderful smell of bread and pastries. He looked up to see his classmate, Marinette at the balcony. "What's she doing at this hour?" He thought. Marinette was one of his best friends from school although she was a little bit shy, she was always kind and helping others. He smiled at the thought of her, something wasn't right though, she was resting her head on the railing of the balcony, shaking, her dark silky hair flowing past her shoulders.

Suddenly, the grief in his heart didn't seem to matter to him anymore, all he could think of was his friend, he leapt up unto the railing of her balcony. "Hey princess", he whispered in a low voice. Startled, Marinette leapt backwards and tripped over her feet, Chat Noir dashed to stop her from her fall and caught her in his arms. " Didn't mean to startle you there" he whispered with a smile, still holding her. " Chat Noir? What are you doing here, up so late?" Marinette asked in a small voice, embarrassed by the situation. Everything came crashing down as he remembered about his horrible night. " N-Nothing much" he replied, trying to stop his voice from breaking while bringing her back up and letting go of her. She searched his emerald green eyes for the answer he refused to tell her, she had found it, it was pain. Not knowing how to react, she stared into his green eyes, his eyes so similar to ones that mesmerize her. She quickly discarded that thought as it brought tears to her eyes.

In the loud silence of the night, he observed her face. Her eyes puffy and swollen, her pale cheeks, with a smatter of freckles, glazed with fresh tears and her dark curtain of hair falling in her eyes. He recognized the pain in her eyes, similar to what he was carrying in his chest. Although she was looking at him, he could tell that her mind was elsewhere, her eyes flushed with a fresh new batch of tears. "What's wrong princess?" he asked, whipping a single tear on her cheek with his thumb. He lingered his hand on her face for a moment cupping the side of her face, searching for answers in her eyes. She dropped her eyes to her feet, blushing when he called her princess. "I-I it-it's c-complic-cated" she managed to choke out. Chat Noir suddenly forgot all about the events of the night, he needed to help his friend, it was what Marinette would do for him.

"Please tell me what's going on, I'll make everything purrrrfect" he joked. She gave him a half-hearted smile, he needed to do better than that. " The moon is beautiful tonight," she said with glassy eyes, her eyes were so beautiful, a brilliant blue. "Just think about all the people looking up at it, I wonder if he's looking at the moon too" she sighed sadly, her eyes filling with pain. His shoulders relaxed with understanding, who could he be, he knew Marinette well but not to this extent. " Chat, have you ever gotten your heart broken?" She asked. He was startled by the sudden question, " Many times princess, you'd think being a superhero would mean that everyone would love you, though it's quite the opposite." His heart ached with the events of the night. She didn't answer, not knowing how, she knew that the reason he must be because she refused his invitation, she didn't know that it would break his heart. "Who is this mysterious heart-breaker?" she asked with a sudden curiosity. Her eyes held his, demanding an answer, that he decided to give her.

"Ever since the day we met, I fell in love with her, every single day we saved Paris together, dancing a perfectly synchronized dance. Every day, I try to show her what I feel, I even invited her to hang out with me tonight...she never showed. I wish she could see how much I love her" he declared. He had never spewed his feelings out like this before, his mother left him a year ago and his father was a cold man who couldn't care less about his son's endeavours. Marinette's eyes flickered with guilt, this was her fault. She knew that Chat was flirty all the time but she never suspected that he was in love with her, she broke his heart, she realized. "Aw kitty it'll be alright" was all she could manage to get out, her insides were burning with guilt, "I broke his heart," she thought again.

"So what's up with you?" he choked out, he didn't want to linger on Ladybug for any longer, it made him feel like his insides were being stomped on. " The-There's, this b-boy t-that I'm in love with, from the f-first day..." She trailed off, just thinking about it and made her mind spin. "I have been in love with this boy for a year, no matter what I do, he can only see me as his friend." She managed to get out, her cheeks burning. She couldn't believe that she was telling her superhero partner all of this. "Whoever this guy is, clearly can't see how amazing you are." He replied in a soft voice. That was all, she couldn't talk about Adrien any longer, Chat felt this mood change. He held out his hand for her, she took it slowly, together they walked back to the railing of the balcony and looked up at the moon. Each of them wondering if the one in their hearts was looking up at it too. 

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