Chapter 5

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Marinette's Room

For some reason, Marinette woke up early the next morning, she had a very restless sleep, thoughts of Chat and Adrien clouded her head all night. "Good Morning Marinette, you're up early for once," Tikki said as she kissed Marinette on the forehead. Marinette was alert even though her lack of sleep. "Good Morning Tikki" Marinette replied absent-mindedly. " Marinette, are you ok, you kept whispering Chat's name all night," Tikki questioned suggestively. Marinette felt a blush creep up her neck as her cheeks turned bright red. " I-I-a- I w-was uh th-thinking a-a-about uhh-how h-he left a-as L-Ladyb-bug." Marinette stuttered embarrassingly. Tikki shook her head at how oblivious Marinette was acting and gave her a smile.

Françoise Dupont High School

Marinette hurried to school, being early for what felt like the first time, she felt completely dissociated all morning, all her thought on the day before, her mind clashing between Adrien and Chat. She mindlessly walked into her first class and took her seat. Alya stared at her best friend, her eyes were all glassy, the way they were when she was day-dreaming about Adrien, yet she didn't have her usual dreamy smirk, she looked internally conflicted.

"Hey girl, what's up?" Alya asked, concerned. Marinette didn't reply, she continued to stare into empty space. Alya started to wave her hand in front of Marinette's face " Hello? Earth to Marinette?" She said. Marinette finally snapped out of her daze, "Oh, hi Alya" Marinette replied dully. "Girl, what's going on?" Alya asked. "Oh it's nothing, just stayed up late designing." Marinette lied. She could not tell Alya about Chat, that type of information could endanger their identities. She wanted to tell Alya about her problem so badly, but she couldn't, so she sat there with a heavy heart. Marinette, turned her head back towards the blackboard, ending their short conversation. Students started to file into class, the fact that Adrien was running late didn't seem to bother Marinette at all, in fact she hadn't even noticed it.

Adrien was running late, he barely slept at all, he stayed up last night thinking about Ladybug yet the back of his head yearned for Marinette, how she always smelled like cookies and warmth, the clumsy, shy girl that seemed so interesting to him. Marinette was always nervous around Adrien, it was always difficult for her to speak coherent sentences in front of him. Yesterday, Adrien found what could possibly be the case for this, he was her lock screen on her computer. Normally this would seem creepy to him, yet the thought of Marinette doing this made him smile, she might actually like me, he thought fondly. Adrien somehow was able to make it to school on time with a few minutes to spare as well.

"Hey dude" Nino greeted Adrien as he took his seat beside his friend. "Good morning Nino" Adrien replied distractedly. "Dude, what's up with you?" Nino asked. "Nino, does Marinettle like me or something? Adrien asked, he needed to know for sure. "Took you long enough to get that through your dense head, of course she likes you, literally everyone in all of Paris knows that except YOU." Nino squealed, Adrien FINALLY figured it out, he was starting to think that Adrien was dropped as a baby, causing him to be the most oblivious person alive. Adrien blushed to himself, oh my god, how could I be so blind,he thought to himself. He turned in his chair to steal a glance at Marinette. She didn't even notice, her eyes stormy and glassy were staring mindlessly at the blackboard, he couldn't help but blush after seeing her, he didn't know why.

Mrs.Bustier decided to start the class and quickly took attendance. Alya glanced at her friend, who was holding her head in her hands, still staring absent-mindedly into space. Puzzled, she decided to give her some time before interrogating her again.

Mrs.Bustier was introducing a new group history project. "Adrien, Marinette and Alya" She called out. This snapped Marinette back to reality. "What?!" she whispered, she had completely zoned out, not knowing what was happening."Girl, were you not listening at all?" Alya scolded playfully. "Uh no sorry, I completely zoned out" Marinette replied. "Ok well Mrs.Bustier introduced a new history project, its group project and well she was telling us our groups, you're with me and Adrien." Alya summarized with a small smile. "WAIT WHAT?!!" Marinette whisper-shouted at Alya.

At that moment Adrien turned around to face his group, he focused his eyes on Marinette. "So, I guess that we're a group, when do you guys want to get to work?" He asked cheerfully, his eyes unmoving from Marinettes. Marinette was paralyzed, not knowing, her mind stopped working, she tried to speak but was unable to make a noise. Adrien gave her a quizzical look and flashed his signature smile at her. Marinette felt like she was going to faint, the room was getting hot, why is he looking at me like that, HE NEVER LOOKS AT ME LIKE THAT, Marinette panicked in her head. Adrien looked back and forth between Alya and Marinette. Alya amused at her friend, chuckled under her breath. She then turned her head towards Adrien, "I'm free today, after school, and I'm guessing Marinette is too, are you Marinette?"Alya said, deciding to break the silence, Marinette nodded, unable to speak. "Sounds good to me, I'm free all day, whose house are we going to meet up?" Adrien replied, moving his focus back to Marinette's. " Well we definatley can't do my house, my sisters will not let us do anything, what about your house Adrien?" Alya suggested. "No way, my dad would have us all skinned alive if I ever suggested that." Adrien said. " Well that leaves Marinette's, is that ok with you?" Alya asked. Marinette finally found the courage to speak, she would have to spend the whole afternoon with Adrien later on, she would have to figure out a way to talk "Yeahsurewecoulddomyhousecomeover." Marinette squeaked quickly. Adrien fought the urge to chuckle, he found it adorable that he made Marinette nervous, no, I can't think like that, I love Ladybug,he repeated, trying to convince himself. "Alright, sounds good, Marinette's house at three." Alya said. Marinette and Adrien nodded simultaneously.

The group started to brainstorm ideas for the project, Marinette started to talk more freely, trying to keep her feelings for Adrien aside. She found herself thinking about Chat a lot, this calmed her nerves drastically. As the group talked, Tikki was calmly listening in Marinette's purse, she decided that she needed some fresh air and decided to stick her head out slightly to get away from the smell of stale cookies. Tikkti poked her head up, and took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of paper and chalk, She noticed something round moving in Adrien's duffel bag, slightly open. She stared at it intently, wondering what it was. Suddenly a black ball-like creature with cat ears stuck its head up from the opening of the bag with a small wedge of cheese. Tikki, could not believe it, Adrien was Chat Noir, Plagg, she thought. "Sugarcube?" Plagg mouthed, completely astonished. Marinette was Ladybug and Adrien was Chat Noir, this is about to get real interesting, Plagg thought excitedly. 

Hey guys, I know this chapter isn't that eventful, but I'm working as hard as I can to update this story. Thank you for all the support once again, dont't forget to vote and stay tuned for more updates. Please leave some comments and feedback :)

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