Chapter 7

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Adrien was internally kicking himself as he entered the Dupain-Cheng's bakery. Why on Earth did he kiss her, they were French, but that kiss was so much more than that. He wasn't dense, he could tell that it was a moment, that they both connected. He remembered the electric currents that ran through his body as he lingered close to her and the intoxicatingly sweet smell of sugar that was just wafting off of her. He'd kissed Ladybug on the cheek before, but he never felt his heartbeat erratically like that, in fact, he'd never experienced an eternity of bliss in a simple, friendly kiss on the cheek. His thoughts were interrupted by the warm welcome of Marinette's parents.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Dupain- Cheng, it is a great pleasure to be in your presence again." Adrien greeted, Marinette's parents were the complete opposite of his own. His mom passed away a year ago and his dad was overprotective and strict, yet he never seemed to truly care for Adrien's well-being. Maybe if his mother was still alive, his father would be different. He decided to push out sad thoughts of his family, he was here now. "Hello Adrien, it's a pleasure to have you here son," Tom replied and took Adrien in for a big hug. Adrien never felt this kind of affection from his dad before, he was over the moon. "Marinette is upstairs and Alya should be here soon." Marinette's mom said. "Thank you so much, once again," Adrien replied warmly as he started to head up the stairs.

He heard frantic shuffling across the room as he climbed up the stairs, he looked at Plagg in his bag. Plagg had a dreamy look on his face that Adrien suspected was due to more than just the fact that they were in a bakery. He knocked on Marinette's door lightly and heard all the shuffling come to a halt. The door creaked open slowly to a cowering Marinette, she was completely flustered and shaken up. Clearly, his visit as Chat did nothing to help her state, yet his heart warmed at the thought of this girl. He thought about it, friends really shouldn't think about each other like this, if they did, he'd feel the same with Nino, yet the thought of comparing his feelings for Marinette with Nino's was absolutely insane. Maybe he was starting to fall for her, he'd never noticed someone the way he did with Marinette, not even Ladybug, Marinette was different and maybe it was time to move on from Ladybug. That was it, he wasn't about to cross the line, he loved Ladybug and would travel to the ends of the Earth for her, he could not betray her for Marinette.

"H-hi A-Adrien," Marinette stuttered as she opened the door. For the first time, however, she was not stuttering over Adrien, she was completely flustered and shaken up from her encounter with Chat. Chat had kissed Ladybug on the cheek before, but she always felt it to be friendly, but this kiss, it was different, it held the electricity to run a power plant for a month. She was flustered by everything, she'd never thought of Chat in this way, sure Adrien was great, but there was just something about Chat. He liked to be in her presence because he genuinely enjoyed it, he wanted to help her and was sweet. Sure his sense of humour was just a bit questionable, but he was so much more than just a silly cat.

"Uh, Marinette, do you mind if I come in?" Adrien asked, Marinette snapped out of her trance and opened the door so that Adrien could enter. She didn't trust herself to speak, knowing that she would mess it up for sure. She could not believe it, Adrien was sitting in her bedroom, for the second time and she was thinking about Chat, maybe it would work out, maybe she would finally get the chance to talk properly to Adrien. " Take a seat next to the computer Adrien, we could get started, Alya's is probably just running a bit late," Marinette said calmly. Both of them were shocked at how articulate she was. Adrien smiled to himself, he actually did something right for once. "Sure Marinette, sounds good, he said as he pulled up a chair beside the desk."

Adrien remembered about his face being the background on Marinette's computer. His stomach started doing nervous cartwheels at the thought of what would happen, a blunder of stuttering and awkwardness, it would be too much to handle. Marinette finally sat down in her chair and turned on her laptop, as Adrien waited with anticipation. He was surprised to see that the background changed, the old picture of him replaced with a picture of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Adrien sighed with relief, but also silently commended Marinette for being so prepared, he knew that he would not be able to do the same and get himself into an awkward situation.

"So, you're a fan of Ladybug and Chat Noir?" Adrien asked

"Of course, they save Paris every single day, and they saved my friends multiple times" She gushed.

"I know, we really do owe them our gratitude, speaking of which, who do you think is better, Ladybug or Chat Noir?"

Marinette blushed heavily at the mention of Chat Noir but smiled to cover it up.

"Well obviously Ladybug, she's the more responsible one and Chat Noir would be totally lost without her, well at least that's what I think ."

Adrien knew she was right, he really would be completely lost without her, he couldn't count the number of times Ladybug had saved him. Yet he didn't want Marinette to win this debate.

" Oh c'mon, Chat Noir is so awesome, he makes jokes, is extremely handsome and is always there to help Ladybug" Adrien defended himself.

"Oh he's just a silly kitty who acts tough but is actually just a big softie on the inside, yet I do agree with you, I think Ladybug would be totally incomplete without Chat, she needs him and although Ladybug gets most of the credit, Chat deserves just the same, w-well at least I think he does," Marinette said. Adrien's heart was soaring, she thought so highly of him, he wondered how she knew so much, he didn't really see her as a huge fan of the duo. He also thought about how Marinette was one of the few people who haven't been akumatized, she truly was extraordinary, how could he have not seen this before, he was definitely falling for her. 

Hey guys, I want to thank everyone for over 400 views and over 100 votes, you guys don't know how much that truly means to me, this fanfic is one of my favourite things to write and the fact that so many people are enjoying it makes me so happy. Please don't forget to vote and I truly am so thankful for everyone, I want to give a special shoutout to MiraculousLazybug   they have been here supporting me from the start and they have started an extremely amazing fanfic, so please check that out, thank you guys once again and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :))

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