Aunt Celeste and Angela's family comes to visit

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Becky's outfit^^^

Angela's outfit^^^

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Angela's outfit^^^

Becky pov

We walked in the dining room of the main House, there we saw Jacob, looking out the window, Angela sitting at the table with Jackson, Carlisle and Emmett, they looked at us and smiled "done already, did you break anything?" Emmett teased "Emmett, no" I said I looked around "where's Caspian and Seraphina?" I asked "Alice has Caspian" Angela said "and Blondie stole Seraphina" Jacob said the phone rang I looked who was calling and saw that it was Aunt Celeste.

"She and Angela's parents have been calling non stop, eventually we're going to have to tell them that you guys didn't make it" Carlisle said "I'm really gonna miss this place" Emmett said "wait, leaving" Jacob said "yes, we can't risk anyone seeing them, you, Leah and Seth are welcome to join us" Carlisle said he nodded.

Celeste pov

I can't wait anymore, I'm going over to the Cullens house, I need to make sure that Becky is fine, and Charlie agrees with me, yes we have started dating, "I hear you're going over to the Cullens house, can we come?" Bella asked  "sure" I answered. There we left the house.

Becky pov

Alice came running in, "Angela's parents and your aunt is coming here" Alice said "what am we going to do about these?" Angela asked indicating to our eyes, we heard to the sitting room upstairs. They sat Angela and I down, Alice then put in brown eye contacts in our eyes to cover up our red ones, then they taught us to act like humans "blink, slouch move, got it" I said.

We went and sat down in the two seater couch, we could hear them pull up in front of the house and we could smell too. Just then Carlisle walked in with Angela's mom, dad, elder sister and her two twin brothers and my aunt and cousin along with Bella in tow, what is going on?

"Hi" Angela said standing up and followed suit. "Are you girls alright, are you feeling better?" Aunt Celeste and Angela's mom Sandra asked "we are fine" I said they opened their arms and we went in for the hug. "I missed you" aunt Celeste said "I missed you too" I replied we pulled away I looked at Charlotte "hi, you ok?" I asked she nodded "you've changed, you're prettier now and your voice sounds melodious"Charlotte said  I chuckled nervously " yeah, being happy and in love tends to do to you" I smiled  "yeah right," Bella said "hi Bella, how are you?" I asked with a smile " I'm great, but I can tell there's something up with you guys, and I wanna know what" Bella said "what are you talking about?" I asked playing confused "Angie, you look different, I mean you look like my daughter but doesn't at the same time, where's your glasses?" Angela's dad Harold asked we looked at each other worriedly "she told Carlisle that she wanted to get her eyes fixed, so he sent her out of the country to see a specialized eye surgeon to get it fixed, that's why she's not wearing the glasses" I lied  hoping it that they would believe it "well then that's great!" Sandra said smiling, "look, yes we are different, but you have to trust us that we tell you what you need to know" I said they agreed to it.

At that time Edward and Jackson walked in holding Seraphina and Caspian in their arms respectively "guys" they called, Angela and I walked over to stand beside our men and started playing with our babies.

"Bella, Charlotte, Celeste, Mr, Weber Mrs. Weber, Emily, Joshua and Dylan meet Seraphina Zaylee Cullen" Edward said " Zaylee was your mother's name" my Aunt Celeste said with tears in her eyes.

"You weren't pregnant" she said "she's adopted, a family member of our died, so we decided to take her in as our daughter"Edward said  Aunt Celeste nodded, " and this is Caspian Nathaniel Hale, he's also adopted" Jackson said "if they are adopted then why do they have your eyes Angela and Becky?" Bella asked.

The rest of them looked at out eyes and then at Seraphina and Caspian's "it's true" Emily said we looked away from them.

"Need to know, I guess" Aunt Celeste said sighing, we looked at them "yeah" Angela said Charlotte was looking at Seraphina in awe, making Edward chuckled "wanna hold her?" He asked her smiling Charlotte looked at him "can I?" She asked we nodded and gave Seraphina to her, she started cooing at Seraphina, wow I didn't expect that Charlotte had soft spot for babies, aunt Celeste took Seraphina from Charlotte and held her speaking in a baby voice, Angela's parents took Caspian and was playing with him even the twins adore the babies.

Bella stood away from them, looking at Seraphina and Caspian in disgust, Edward excused himself for a minute.

Bella pov

How can they stand children? I bet Edward only puts up with that child. I saw Edward out of the room, this is my chance. I walked out behind him.

He turned to me "why are you following me?" He asked "I wanted to know something, why did you choose her over me?" I asked "because I love her, and she isn't like you" he answered "of course she's not like me, I'm gorgeous, and I have a great personality, she's just so dull, and so ugly"I said "hey, that's my wife, you're talking about, you know nothing about her, she's sweet, gorgeous, kind, funny and brave and that's just some of the things I would describe her with, that woman in there is my life, I'll be damned if I let some wannabe Regina George try and come between us, now get out of my house" Edward sneered, by then everyone walked in, watching us Rosalie was glaring, well the whole family was glaring at me but I ignore them and continued " but don't you want me?" I asked in silky voice. "no bitch, I want you" I heard Becky say, so I turned to face her started to walk towards me but Jacob held her back, what's he doing here? "Jake, what are you doing?" I asked "Jake let go of me,so I can show this bitch, not to mess with me" Becky said struggling to get out of Jake's muscular arms.

"Bella, you need to leave now" Jacob said Emmett walked over to them and took Becky from him, effectively caging her.

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