Part Two

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"so you and the cute Ravenclaw boy" Lily said with a smile. The two had left the great hall after Remus begged her not to talk about it in front of everyone. Now they wander the halls together towards potions.

"Please don't" Remus says blushing. The voices echoed slightly around the empty halls. Most of the students were still up having breakfast. Lily had pratically shoved the food down Remus throat so they could talk. They walked the long way down so they could talk.

"Does this means you are finally over Sirius" Lily said with a smile.

"Yes, I mean no" He stumble over his words not knowing exactly what to say, or honestly feel "It is nice with Lukas, but new, and I don't want people to know yet"

"Why not?" Lily asked curiously.

Lily was one of the most unique people Remus had ever met in my life. Sometime Remus wonder if her prefume was veritaserum cause she was impossible to lie to. And as much as James' behaviour annoyed Remus he could see why he was so infactuated with her. She held herself with an authority that was unmatched yet well earned. And her kindess had a deepth he had not yet found.

"Well for one thing, not everyone here is exactly cool with two guys dating" Remus said pulling on the sleeves of my robe.

"And I will happily jinx them to the hospital wing" Lily said brushing passed it like it was nothing.

"Even if there my friends" Remus said "I have no idea what James or Peter would think. And Sirius is from a pureblood family they usually don't take to well to this kinda stuff"

"Yeah but Sirius does everything he can to show he isn't like the rest of his family." Lily said "And some how I don't think James will mind"

"Woah Evan are you complimenting James" he tease "I knew you loved him all along"

"No I just know he will accept it if I tell him to" She said smiling.

We arrive at potions, the only class in our sixth year that all the Maurders had together, which meant it will be constant chaos. Potions has always been there most insane class. Slughorn tended to not mind their nonsense and rarely gave dention, and Sirius and James took that and ran with it. Last year James had managed to light Severus robes on fire by complete accident. The year before that Sirius stole a bunch of ingredients from the store and played how many ground up toads eye can i put in the Slytherin punch before they notice. And the year before that James had tried to make Lily a love potion but when he wasn't looking Remus switch the vile with one full of pumpkin juice, since he was sure that any love potion James tried to make would be poisonous. When the 'love potion' didn't work James was convinced it meant Lily was already in love with him.

As the two walked in their friends where already waiting for them.

"Lily" James said bounding over to them happily, but completely ignoring Remus "Any chance you would want to be my partner for potions. I've got a cauldron with our name on it."

"Never in a thousand years Potter" She said breezing passed him towards Alice at the other table.

"So in a thousand and one year she'll be my potion partner" James said nudging Remus as they headed over to their friends.

"Yeah in a thousand and one years you'll make a great potion I'm sure." Remus said raising his eyebrows at his friend.

"Moony" Sirius said with a bright smile "Be my partner?"

Remus was suprised as his gaze snapped up to meet Sirius'. It wasn't that the two weren't friends, and didn't get on great, but Sirius doing anything without James was a rare sight. And him choosing to do a task without him unheard of. But Sirius just smiled at Remus warmly. He had grown over the summer. Though still shorter than Remus who was the tallest of the Maurder's by quite a bit and had been since first year. But he was stronger now with broad shoulders, and his face somehow more sculpted with sharp cheekbones. As Lily reminded him when Remus admited his crush, Sirius was the heart throb of Hogwarts. Every Hogsmede trip would get dozen of invites. Remus' genuiely wasn't sure if Sirius knew this. He carried himself with confidence sure, and had dated plently of girls but never seemed to really care what they thought of him. Though Remus had caught him adding Magic Mary's Miraculous Hair serum to his curls a couple times.

"Yeah of course" Remus said returning the smile "Though I'm not failing my Newts cause of you Black"

"Well Wormy, since my love has rejected me, and my best friend abdoned me. I guess that leaves us." James said wrapping his arms around Peters small build.

"Great I love being last resort" Peter muttered seeming mildly upset.

"Awww is little wormy sad" Sirius said shoving him gently. 

"If it makes you feel better" Remus said smiling at his friend "I'd rather be your partner than Prongs, since I plan on passing this class."

Before James could make a witty come back Slughorn gathered the attention of the class, explaining the potion we would be making today. A draught of peace, which Remus thought might be good to pocket some of that. Slip it into James, and Sirius drinks when they had to riled and he is genuiely worried that some SLytherins may end up seriously hurt. Once it was over Sirius jumped up, and said he'd go grab the ingridents. 

Sirius tried hard to have a punk rock exterior. When in muggle clothes he wore almost exculisely leather jackets too big for him and distressed, despite that fact Remus knew they were expensive new ones. He even wore muggle band tees despite the fact he had never heard of them. Even in his robes and uniform he looked cooler than the rest of the school, with his tie slightly undone, and buttons not quite all the way done up. Despite that he always seemed like a big puppy dog when you really knew him. Possibly it was because of his animagus, but more likely his animagus was because he knew deep down he was just a big puppy dog. 

"Okay got everything!" Sirius said dumping  all the stuff down on to the table in front of him. But Remus didn't miss him sneaking something into his pocket. 

"Put it back" Remus said leveling Sirius with a intense look but a small smile played on his lips.

"I don't have any idea what you are talking about Moony." Sirius said giving his arm a gentle nudge. 

"If you put ground up toads eye in the Slytherins food again you are just repeating pranks." Remus said raising his eyebrows "Don't wanna be seen as a lazy prankster now Padfoot."

"Good point" Sirius said "I'll put dragon dung this time."

Remus knew perfectly well this was all going to end terribly, but he couldn't help but smile. 

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