Part Eleven

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"This is a bad idea" Remus said from his place behind Sirius as they walked through the tunnels towards the Shierking shack.

"All of our best stories start with you saying that it is a bad idea" Sirius said turning slightly to give Remus his trade mark cunning grin. He was relieved to see Remus returned his smile. Sirius had spent the last six years learning to read Remus. Unlike James or Peter, Remus was difficult at times to understand. But as time went on a quirk of a lip, or a slightly raised brow became as obvious as if anyone else straight up told him what was wrong. Maybe at times it was annoying, like when Sirius wondered why the taller boy kept so much from him. But it also kinda felt like he and Remus were constantly in on a secret together. And deep down he felt special that he understood Remus better than the rest of the world.

"And all of our best stories end in detention" He replies.

"You know it will be funny. And how will anyone ever know, no one comes that close to shack." Sirius said "Thanks to you"

Remus let out a small laugh, as they walked into the shack. Sirius ran over to the window and pecked out careful not to be seen by any students coming to see the shack.

"No one is here yet. We must be to early" Sirius said turning back to Remus. Sirius had explained the plan to Remus at breakfast and he had agreed, without complaining too much. Remus nodded, and took a seat on the floor as he motioned for Sirius to do the same, which he did, sitting closer to Remus then was necessary considering they were the only people in the room. Sirius was surprising nervous since all he was doing was spending time with one of his best friends. Truth is Remus and him didn't spend all that much time alone, usually James, and Peter were there goofying around loudly.

"You alright?" Remus asked with his trademark concern and empathy, that made Sirius soul melt. Every time the fair haired boy looked at him Sirius felt like he was reading him, just like Sirius read him. This made him smile a little.

"Yeah, I am just glad to be spending time with you." Sirius said honestly.

"Me too" Remus replied a light blush on his cheek "Can I ask you something?"

Sirius nodded in lul of an answer.

"Why didn't you want to go out with Harriet?"

Sirius wasn't expecting that question, and had to think for a moment. He really didn't know why he didnt want to go with Harriet. Once James, and Peter had plans for the weekend he just knew he would spend his day with Remus. And when he really thought of it he'd much rather be here then walking around Hogsmeade with some Hufflepuff girl he barely knew. He might even enjoy this moment more than he would have enjoyed running around with all marauders. Spending time with Remus challenged him, even this question was pushing him to think about things. He really enjoyed that. So the answer to his question was simple.

"I'd rather be here" Sirius said with a smile.

"I heard your brother made the Quidditch team" Remus said smiling from Sirius comment but still changing the subject.

"I don't care" Sirius replied way too quickly.

"I know you do" Remus said "But you don't have to talk about it. If you don't want to."

Of course he was right. Just the thought of his brother hurt a little. It had been over a year since the two had uttered a word to each other. His whole summer he had spent feeling like in a weird way he finally had a family, in James, and the Potters. But the truth was he and Regulus had been a family growing up. Sirius would sneak snacks from the kitchen and bring them to Regulus who would squeal with delight. The two would make forts to hide from their parents, and Sirius would tell him stories to distract from the yelling. The hug Regulus gave him to platform 9 3/4, had been so sincere Sirius had thought about it every day till Christmas break. But when his parents turned on him so did Regulus, and that coldness only multiplied when he was sorted into Slytherin.

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