Part Nineteen

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"You know she's a nightmare." Jame said.

"She isn't." Sirius replied magically lifting Alice's long hair with his wand and watching her whip around trying to figure out what was happening.

"She is. And she hates you." James added, turning a page in the Quidditch magazine he was reading. Over the course of the last couple weeks Lucy had spent sometime with the Marauders much to everyone's disappointment. Though she was grateful for Sirius help she had a hard time not showing her annoyance for the marauders and how they acted. In turn the Marauders didn't enjoy her constantly huffing in annoyance, or rolling her eyes.

"She doesn't hate me we are just different." Sirius said. Him and James were the only two of their friends left in the common room. Peter had went up to bed 10 minutes, and Remus had went straight from the library up to bed. He sat with the rest of them less and less, and spent more and more time in the library. "Opposites attract and all that."

"That means that two people who are different and compliment each other well. Like one is loud, and talks a lot and the other is quiet and listen to them talk. Or someone is reckless and gets in lots of trouble and helps someone who is a bit uptight lighten up and the reckless one helps relax the uptight, and the uptight one keeps the reckless one alive." James said and Sirius couldn't think of him blabbing one as Remus listened calmly or how everytime Sirius almost went one step too far, in a prank or joke, Remus pulled him back. "It's not opposite attract like two people who hate each other date."

"We don't hate each other" Sirius said it weakly though it was true. Though they would probably murder each other if they did date, and spent a lot of there time disagreeing, they had developed a very platonic fondness for each other. It was mostly built on eye rolls, and scarcasm but all great friendships were.

"Well you aren't madly in love." James said "Not like Lily and I"

"Lily is madly in love with you. I'd love to be there when she finds out" Sirius said, stopping flicking Alice's hair with his wand as he had to duck a book she threw at him.

"Well I'm madly in love with her and she is learning to tolerate me. She sat with us at lunch today. I didn't even imperio her into it." James said grinning proudly. Sirius was pretty sure Lily had only sat with them at lunch in an attempt to cheer up Remus, who she had a rather large soft spot for, but he was glad the conversation of his own girlfriend was over so he didn't mention it.

"I think imma head to bed. I've got an early detention with Minnie." Sirius said yawning over dramatically and getting up "You ever wonder if maybe she likes us, and misses us too much on evenings and weekends, and that's why we get so many detentions."

"I think you've cracked it Padfoot. I'll write my Mum and Dad tomorrow and tell them they can just ignore all the letters Hogwarts is sending home, it's only cause Dumbledore just wants to hang out with us, and has nothing to do with you dying all the Slytherin robes pink." James said gathering his stuff as well, clearly also resigning to bed. 

When Sirius head hit the pillow, it was moments till he was asleep. It had been a long day full of not listening in Charms, and not listening in Transfiguration, and listening a little bit in Quidditch practice. However as soon as his eyes closed it felt like they shot open again as he heard a soft thud on the other side of the dormitory. At first he thought it was just someone heading into the washroom, but the lights were off. So his eyes went to window and he saw the faint light presumably from Remus wand. He debated for a moment pulling the covers up over him, and just going back to sleep, but he knew he couldn't not. And that small annoying voice in the back of his mind whispered how much he wanted to be alone with Remus for the first time in weeks. So quietly Sirius quietly rose from his bed and wandered over to the wind sliding it open. Remus looked up with a bit of surprise and fear on his face.

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