Part Five

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Sirius eyes scanned the list searching for his name. When finally next to the word Chaser he saw Sirius Black he jumped in the air grabbing James shoulders and pointed at his name.

"Chaser! Prongs! I am a chaser!" He said then he saw a drooping look on his friends face "What is it?"

"I didn't make the team." James muttered.

"What!?" James performanced at tryouts was a head and shoulders above everyone else "How! what! Really?"

"Nah!" James said his face changing into his beam as he shoved Sirius' shoulder hard "We did it! Gryffindor Quidditch team!" 

They looked around and realized their excitment was a little out of place. Many of the student who failed to try out were getting sad or angry when not seeing their names on the list. So the two friends unable to supress their grins they skipped away. As they made their way back to where Remus, and Peter were sitting next to the fire, they passed Julia Eagleson the team captain.

"You have great decision making skills" James said as they approached her "Putting me and Sirius on the team. Clearly a smart one you are." 

"Don't make me regret it." Julia said but she was smiling clearly comfortable with her choice.

"Julie" Sirius started

"Don't call me Julie" She cut in.

"Fine Jules" Sirius repiled to an eye roll by Julia "You'll never regret putting us on the team are you kidding. We are a dynamic duo"

"A stellar pair" James cut in

"A winning couple" 

"A unstopable team

"I regret it already" She mummbled wandering away allowing James, and Sirius to bound over to Remus, and Peter. 

"So?" Peter said with a smile, having watched the tryouts he was pretty sure he knew exactly what the results. 

"You are looking at the two most handsome members of the Gryffindor quidditch team." James said.

"Yes me, and McPherson over there" Sirius said waving in the general direction of one of the new beaters. 

"Wow I spend my whole summer training you and this is how you treat me" James said pretending to be annoyed with Sirius attitude but a smile had not left his face for a minute. 

"You weren't training me Prongs" Sirius said leveling James with a light hearted glare. At that moment though all James thoughts were shaken as he notice Lily Evans Audbren hair as she crossed the common room. 

"Evans!" James called "See the Quidditch list. I made the team."

"Oh I am swooning" She said in a monotone voice as she continued without breaking stride across the common room. 

"Hey wait up." He called after her clearly not interested attitude. James followed with Peter in tow. Remus looked up from his book finally expecting all his friends to be gone, but sitting on the couch next to him was Sirius, streching out so his back rests on the far side of the couch his feet coming up and resting on Remus' lap. Remus folded his book as it was hard to hold open over Sirius' legs.

Sirius smiled to himself so maybe Lukas wasn't the only one who could sit with Remus. For a minute the two friends sat in silence watching the fire. Eventually Remus broke the silence.

"Good job Padfoot, on making the team" He said quietly "You'll do great."

"Thanks Moony" He said reaching his arms back to pillow his head. "I know. You this is bad news for you though."

This was only met with a confused look from Remus. 

"You're my good luck charm now, you have to come to every game." He said with a grin. Remus had never paid any attention to Quidditch only coming to games if his friends dragged him, and never coming during exam season.

"I am not your good luck charm Padfoot, you are just good." Remus said his eyes having that kind glint in it that always warms heart. 

"Last year you didn't come to try-outs I didn't make the team, this year you come and I do." Sirius said "Face it Moony, you gotta come to the games now."

Remus looked down into the fire before saying gently "If your on the team I would watch every game."

"Good" Sirius mumbled aware he was being uncharactiscally quiet "I think I play better when you are watching."

Sirius watched happily as a light pink blush painted Remus' cheeks. He did noticed how tired Remus looked with the full moon approaching. Each one seemed to be taking a greater toll than the one before. When they started in first year the scars that littered the fair haired boy body were small, shallow , and scattered. Now they were far more, and far deeper. 

"In two days it will all be over for another month." Sirius said in a whisper. 

"It'll never be over" Remus said darkly "It will never be over."

Sirius heart broke at the sight of his friend in so much pain. Sirius felt it was undenable that Remus was striking in appearance. To hear Remus' describe himself he is tall, and lanky, his limbs too long for his body, his hair too messy, and scarred obivously. But Sirius thought the world saw him differently, at the least he did. Everything about him seemed effortless, like yes his limbs where long, his hair messy, and his body scarred but everything about him came together to make this perfect person bundled in a too big sweater, and a faint smell of chocolate. 

"I wish I could do something" Sirius said his voice so sad it hurt Remus deeply.

"Are you kidding Padfoot you've done so much." Remus said placing a hand semi awkwardly on his lower leg, but it was not unwelcome. "I used to be alone now I am not." 

The two friends shared a calm smile, and a comfortable silence, as they both reflected on how valueable they were to each other. When Remus finally lifted his hand Sirius missed it's warmth immediatly.

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