OUTWORLD: Sea Dog Part 4

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The sub Lina had mentioned – and which Flink was currently checking over – was a squat-looking craft with a wedge-shaped front section and triangular cockpit window, a slim blocky body, and twin propeller units seated on the upper rear hull. The vehicle occupied a trench-like slipway facing a large hydraulic door; underneath this door were square vent-like openings covered by louvres; from her perch on a platform beside the slipway, Michelle guessed that those vents would admit water to allow the sub to take to the ocean outside. The sub's propeller units swivelled and rotated as Flink presumably ran them through some tests. She flexed her paws on the guardrail in front of her and lowered her chin onto them, content to be an observer. She and he were the only ones in the Lougheed's small hold, and so it was quiet.

There was a soft noise off to her right, and she turned her head slightly to see Rafferty leaning on the rail with his chin on his paws, mirroring her. The Squirrel offered a gentle smile. "Hey."

"Hey," Michelle returned. The pills he had given her were definitely working; she felt a little perkier, and she had more energy. Her memories were still a little hazy, though. "Shouldn't you be flying the ship?"

Rafferty snuffled, twitching his short muzzle. "We're okay. Lina and me cleared everything with Symba's orbital control, and we're on automatic landing mode. We'll be hitting the ocean in a minute."

"Oh, right, this is an ocean-going vessel," Michelle remembered. She swallowed a pang of nervousness. "Guess I'd better get my sea legs on."

There was a note of sympathy in Rafferty's chortle. "Don't sweat it, Pow. You're a sea dog."

"I hope so," Michelle said in all honesty.

The Lougheed suddenly lurched like a freighter caught in a tidal wave; Michelle gasped as a thundering vibration rippled through the hold, and she gripped the guardrail tightly. A crashing roar could be heard from outside, followed by a series of metallic impacts. The hold rocked once more, then steadied along with the rest of the ship.

"We're here," Rafferty remarked unnecessarily.

There was a nauseated exclamation from the sub, and Flink's face appeared in the hatchway. "Rafferty, do you have to put it on automatic every time?" the Beaver squawked angrily, the whistle from his teeth louder than ever.

"I sure do," Rafferty told him. "Everything online?"

"Yeah," Flink groused. "Five-by across the board. You wanna take it out for a spin?"

Rafferty nodded. "Sure." He started down the ramp leading to the small craft's hatch, then turned back to look at Michelle. "You wanna come, Sea Dog?"

Michelle's eyes flicked to the sub, to Flink, and then to Rafferty. It went back and forth in that manner for several seconds before she decided to go. She'd have to get off this ship sooner or later. "Okay."

"Alrighty then!" Rafferty grinned. "Let the expert at the controls."

Michelle followed him down the ramp on rubbery legs. These are definitely not my sea legs, she thought glumly. She stepped inside the sub, feeling it bob as she planted her feet on the deck inside. It was obviously being suspended on some kind of lift.

"Welcome aboard," Rafferty said with a smile.

Michelle smiled back and looked around. There was a locker packed with diving suits, a smallish cargo area, and a larger compartment filled with crates and light equipment. To the front of the sub was a hatchway leading to the cockpit; Rafferty was already heading in that direction. Michelle followed him inside.

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