Extras: Sem 1

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"I emailed that bastard!" -some girl talking about her professor

"Mad respect for the ball-buster." -some guy in the dining hall

"Wait where are we talking about? Is this place real or is it like Wyoming?" -Sara

"Wait who's the evil cracker triangle dude?" -Sara

"Actually, fuck it. Gimme your mom's number." -some dude in the dining area

"I have to find little k. What is little k? Little k is special." -Hayden

Ethan: "I don't always get naked...but when I do..."
Me: "It's strawberry banana."

"Shit, I'm looking for my thesis statement right now." -a guy in my first-year seminar class when the prof told us we had to briefly explain our essay topic in front of the class

"Smells like a family reunion, tastes like a pizza." -Abi

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