Professors: Sem 3

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Musical Theatre Prof

"It's always great to be optimistic...unless you find yourself in a musical at the end of act one."

"I'm a soprano, numbers are hard."

Student talking about a bad musical: "It's a hate watch for sure."
Prof: "Oh, good."

*after messing up a timeline* "Hiiii, I have a doctorate."

Multimedia Prof

"Everything's changing and the world's on fire and it's fine."

"Whoever decided on camera terms just really likes to fuck with people."

"I haven't gotten to that year yet in my time travel!"

"Music hides a multitude of sins."

Someone to prof at us gathered outside: "Social experiment?"


: "Something like that."

*bumps into trash can, picks it up and throws it into the corner. It lands straight up.* "That is straight up, I want that noted."



*holding a chair* "This is a chair!"

(Referring to pre-covid times) "It was a magical time kids!"

"Philosophy is vehemently, at its core, anti-bullshit."

"Oh shit, that's the Cold War!"

"I use my eyes for everything every day, not to brag."

"Take a gap decade."

"Life continues! We're all dying!"

"If I see a car coming at me, I don't sit down and start doing math. I say 'oh shit, a car'."

"Socrates was furious about books."

"They kill your family and you're like, 'oh you, stop it!'"

"I've been outed."

"Hooray, fight!"

"Oh they updated it, those monsters."

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