my hellish new life

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The next night, the two were to the edge, type was feeding upon tharns wrist has he stared forward waiting patiently.
He turned his head has type started to over consume again.
"Stop half breed."
Type closed his eyes tighter, fighting.
Taking his canines out, he turned his head to place the back of his hand to his mouth.
Tharn smirked.
"Mmm.....good boy."
Type gritted his teeth, to lower his hand to the bed to grip hanging his head.
"Piss off!"
Tharn rolled his eyes, to get up, to then stand before type to place a new collar upon him.
Type kept his head hung, he didn't know what to do anymore.
Tharn stepped back eyeing.
"Let's go. I need to see a few things of you."
Type signed.
Tharn reached to his back pocket too retrieve the remote to point.
Type gripped the edge to lift his ankle, the chain was still upon him.
Peering his eyes down, tharn placed the remote back to bend down to open the chain to straighten up, eyeing.
"Get up half breed."
"Get...... Away from me...... First..... You blood sucking corpse!"
Tharn rolled his eyes to go to the door.
Type gulped to sign compiling.
Following the vampire, they went to a new room.
Type stopped has the vampire did, he still kept his head hung.
Tharn turned to step to type.
"I need to see how strong you are. The couch behind me, I want you to grab it and throw has hard has you might. Understand?"
Type turned his head to eye the wall.
"Now half breed."
Type balled his fists to the side of himself.
"Stop...... Calling me that!"
Tharn smirked.
"Then..... Do has your told."
Type gritted his teeth and hard till his canines popped down.
He winced to place his hand to his mouth.
Tharn cocked his head to the side.
"Still causing you pain?"
Type signed to lower his hand, after a few deep breathes they retracted.
He moved around the vampire to go to the couch.
"What..... Do you care......"
Types eyes darted over the couch.
Tharn turned to look to his back.
Type then turned his head to look to his hand, a question bubbled in his mind.
"With..... My new found strength..... Could I...... Kill a vampire?"
Tharn turned fully around to eye, wrapping his arms around his chest.
He smirked.
"Mmmm...... In those first 3 days, yes you could have, however now.......I will kill you if you tried. Now..... Do has your told!"
Type dropped his hand, to turn his head to sign.
Fucking, god damn.....
Type bend down to grab the couch to lift it over his head to throw it too the wall, strightened up, he breathed heavily, his canines came back down and his eyes turned white in the irise.
Darting, he didn't believe the vampire when he said he was only strong enough to kill him in those first 3 days, feeling this new energy course through his body, he believed he was stronger.
Turning, type acted on his anger.
Pouncing, he tried to wrap his hands around the vampires throat or at least try to punch him, has he pounced, tharn wore a smirk, to lift his arm up, to wrap his hand to types throat to squeeze, hanging mid air, type clawed at tharns hand.
"Nnnn....... Let go! Let me....."
Tharn narrowed his eyes, types eyes widen, to breathe heavily, the vampires eyes turned bright red, he opened his mouth extending his canines, to then bring type to his face.
"I am 900 years old half breed! I also created you! You can not, use your strength against me to kill! You try this again, I'll remove something I know you shall miss!"
Squeezing a bit hard, type lifted his head to gasp for air.
Tharn gritted his teeth to show type his true strength.
"Nnnn.......mmmm......I'm.......nnnn.....please..... Let go..... I'm sor......uuuum....."
Tharn signed to let him go.
Type dropped to his side, to place his hands to his throat, to turn his head to the floor to cough and gasping for air.
Tharn looked to him to crouch.
"You maybe a half vampire type naraki, but let me remind you, your human side still lingers within you. Don't...... Forget that!"
Type opened his eyes to move a bit away, breathing hard in and out.
Tharn moved up to straighten himself to look to what type accomplished to nod.
"You are quite strong for a half breed, usually they couldn't throw it that far and to break the wall."
Type moved to go to his knees, head hung.
"Is..... It later yet?"
Tharn looked to type confused.
"Excuse me?"
Type looked to tharn, with no expression.
"Why....... Did you.... Turn me into this.... Thing....."
Tharn raised an eye brow to look to the damage type did.
"Look for yourself."
Types eyes narrowed.
"Are....... You going to turn..... Me into a weapon is that why you...."
Tharn rolled his eyes.
"The answer you shall receive now is this."
Tharn peered his eyes to type.
"You are what you are for your strength and strong will. That is what I am seeking."
Types eyes darted to get up, to stand before tharn.
"What do you want it for?"
Tharn looked type up and down.
"One day maybe I shall tell you. Now....."
Tharn motioned with his head for type to look back.
Type signed to not move.
Tharn rolled his eyes to retrieve the remote to then point it to type.
"The collar around your neck, will electrify you to your core, had to upped it when you turned. Would you like to try or would you like to listen and turn around?"
Type gritted his teeth, to sign.
Turning his eyes widen.
A vampire was there, looking to type.
He looked back to tharn.
"I would like to see if you can defend yourself. Go. And fight."
"That's....... All...... Right?...."
Types face fell a bit.
Tharn raised his eyes.
He..... Probably remembers last time...
"Mmmm...... Actually..... Let us be done, I have a lot of work to do."
Tharn looked to the vampire.
"You may leave."
Then he looked to type, then he placed the remote back to his pocket.
"Let's go. We shall do this another time. Come."
Tharn turned to part, type cocked his head to look after the vampire in confused.
Was he...... Being compassionate?
Type shook his head.
No fucking way!
Feeling tharn get more away from him, feeling the pull, type couldn't fight against it.
Wait...... Don't go.
Type then followed, pissed he thought such a thing, then remembering the blood droplet of yesterday.
Maybe...... There is more to this vampire.... Has he followed, type started to grew in curiosity, questions started to swirl around, type then was wanting answers without really knowing why, but still desired them.

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