reasons behind the things I do

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To the car, type looked to tharn with gritted teeth and narrowed eyes.
"I..... Don't like this."
Tharn stood a foot away, nodding.
"Neither do I, but my brother is coming, he will kill you. You will be up at a hotel till further notice, I'll call my lead guard when to bring you back."
Type moved his head slightly to the side, still looking to tharn with narrowed eyes.
"Uh huh....."
Tharn smirked to step forward to place his hand to his cheek.
Types lips parted, face smoothed.
"I'm...... Not coming back...... Am I?"
Tharn stepped closer, there eyes darted.
"Of course you are, now...."
Tharn took his hand away to raise his other to motion with it.
"You need to leave."
Type signed, to turn opening the door to hesitate. He tapped his fingers to the window, to then turn his head back.
"Type...... This is not up for......"
Tharns eyes widened a bit.
Type had gone forward with his head to press his lips to the vampire to then move back.
They eyed the other.
"I better be coming back....... You fucking corpse..... We..... Need to talk over some things. Be..... Safe....."
Type gritted his teeth, to turn a bit relucent to get in the car. Tharn turned his head to watch him go.
Still..... Vulgar..... And don't worry...... You will come back......
Turning, tharn went in to wait.
A few hours later, draxo came to tharns house to stand before it, eyeing.
If anything has happened to....... I'll kill that half breed.....mark my words tharn!
Hanging his head, draxo went slowly in.
To his office, tharn looked up, to see draxo had come strolling in, to stand right next to types chair.
Neither moved for a moment.
Tharns eyes then darted to stand.
"Yes, can I help you?"
"Why did you send me....."
Tharn darkly chuckled.
"Ah, so you received my present. I hope you enjoyed it. The doctor...... Told me a few things..... Who would have thought, the great draxo Muarko is gay."
Draxo gritted his teeth.
"I am not, I am not like you, a filthy faggot!"
Tharn lightly chuckled.
"Oh dear brother, you protest to much. That is not what he said."
Draxo then moved to go to tharn to place his hands to his collar to lift him a bit up there eyes darted.
"You...... Lie......I know the doctor..... He would not tell you....."
"Mmmm, he did when he was screaming has I cut off his....."
Draxo growled to shove tharn back.
"Where is he?!"
"Your lover?"
"Tharn! Where is he!?"
"I'n his office of course."
Draxos eyes widen.
"You would..... Do such a thing then make him work!"
Turning draxo, went to go find the doctor.
Tharn then moved to go to his desk to grab his phone.
Let the game begin.
To the office, the doctor was standing, with a clip board looking to the file.
Mmmm..... Interesting........ The half breed will....
Turning his head, he widen his eyes a bit to look at draxo who was to the door frame.
The doctor turned to eye.
"Why are you....."
Draxo went straight to him, to place a hand to his pants.
He then held his member to look down confused.
The doctor placed the clip board to the table, to then take his hands to his chest to push him off.
He looked to him.
"I..... Do not..... Understand....."
Both looked to the door, tharn strolled in with a smirk.
"Doctor, you are dismissed for now, please adjure to your room."
He looked to them to then leave.
Draxo eyes tharn with narrowed eyes.
"What is going on! I saw and smelled....."
"You saw.....a corpse penis smothered in your lovers blood."
Draxo wrapped his arms about his body.
"Stop calling him that. He is nothing but a family friend to me."
"Then why did you react like this? Why are you here and why......"
Tharn held up the phone.
"Did you stick your hand into his pants?"
Draxo flexed his jaw to smile wickedly.
"I came here to see if you actually did it? If you castrated another faggot such has yourself...... Guess you don't have the balls to do it."
Tharn rolled his eyes, to then take his phone to his back pocket.
"Do you really think anyone will believe that?"
"It's the truth, I also came here to see if that half breed you are laying with succumbed to his......."
Tharn stood there expressionless.
"I...... Guess he didn't. Where are you hiding him? Knowing you....a hotel...... How long do you think it'll be before I find him and kill him. You need to be with women tharn, or...."
Draxo looked to his crouch.
"You need that to be cut off again?"
Tharn growled.
"You really are......a piece of..."
Draxo then stepped to him.
"That half breeds vulgarity is rubbing off on you! Don't you dare, speak to me in such a manner. Now...... Was the doctor in on this deception?"
Tharn turned his head to eye the wall.
"How else...... Did I get the blood?"
Draxo gritted his teeth to then part.
Tharn turned his head, to retrieve his phone once more.
Now the real game has began.
To his room, krinto was to the table, with a cup to his hand, to swirl the blood about.
This is....a mess......
Drinking, krinto placed it down after, to then turn.
Draxo came in to slam the door behind, to look to him in anger.
Krintos eyes darted.
Draxos had lowered.
"You..... What have youve done krinto!"
He looked to draxo confused.
"I do not....."
Draxo then went to him, to wrap his hands about to squeeze a bit Around his neck. Krinto kept his hands to the side, not fighting.
"You..... Were in on this.... With my brother..... Why!? Why would you betray me like this?"
"I....... Do not..... Understand what.... You are...."
Squeezing a bit tighter, he then moved them to the bed, krinto laid to his back, arms still to the side.
Draxo hovered over.
"I was sent...... What I thought was your dick....... What was....."
Krinto tilted his head.
"Your brother...... Was going to cut my...... But he couldn't go through with it..... After what you had done to him...... He asked me, to cut off a corpse member to then have it be lathered in my blood, it was a ruse."
Draxo growled.
"So..... You did help him!?"
"I.....gave him the member....... He sedated me when I refused to give him any blood, so he just took it...... That is all I played in this.
Draxo turned his head, to look in anger to krinto.
"What...... Was he trying to gain with this?"
"Your..... Reaction..... That is all I know."
"I...... Still can't..... Believe you helped him with this...... How does he know of us? What all did you tell him!"
"Just..... You were my first.....I didn't tell him..... That every time after you would come here...... To rape me......"
Draxo leaned back a bit, to take a hand down to start opening his pants, then krintos.
"For this...... I'm about to do it again!"
Krintos turned his head, still not fighting against this.
A bit later, krinto had his head lifted up, moaning, draxo had taken off his pants boxers, same with the doctors, he was thrusting his full speed, to have a hand still to his throat the other to his member to stroke.
"Aaaah gonna..... Fill you to the brim krinto!"
The doctor bit into his lower lip.
Draxo looked to krinto, to then cum once more has did the doctor.
Taking his hands away, draxo moved down to lick the cum off of krintos stomach, he twitched.
"So...... Delicious......"
"I still can not believe...... You helped my brother, even if it was insignificant"
Krinto turned his head to eye the wall.
"You..... Have gotten your fill right? Now..... Pull out.... And leave...... You've gotten your revenge...... Now...."
Draxo looked up, licking the remainder, to lean up, to take a leg up, to his body, to place a hand to his other leg, to open a bit further to start thrusting again.
Krinto moaned to then close his eyes.
"Who said......I am... I'm not even close! You hurt me krinto........ Now it is time you paid the price...... Would be an advantage to you...... If you actually fought back! That is why.... This and all those other times, are not rape! You have never fought against me!"
Krinto gritted his teeth.
Draxo placed his cheek to his ankle has he thrusted faster.
"Why..... Is that?!"
"You..... Know why......"
"Then say it! Say it if you want me to make you cum once more."
Krinto, gripped the bedding to the sides of his head.
"Mmmm......I...... Love you..... That's why....."
Draxo moved his leg back, to go down, to take a hand to his neck to move it forward, draxo placed his lips to his then seeked entrance with his tongue, krinto still didn't fight against this.
Tharn gritted his teeth to look down to the phone.
He had been there the whole time, taking photo evidence of the two, without the doctors knowledge.
I..... Believe these.... Are enough.... To threaten him with..... Now they need to be alone......
Turning tharn left closing the door silently.
Draxo then parted, to look over krintos face.
"Why..... Why are you..... Doing this to me......draxo?"
"You can't be..... This dense and naive not to know......"
Krintos eyes widen, to finally fight back. He brought his hands up, to try and push draxo off to no avail.
Draxo took his hands to his, to then pin them to either side of his head to then slow his thrusts.
"Interesting time..... For you to fight against me....."
Krinto made a face.
"I know...... Your lying.....I do not believe for one second....... You..... Feel the way I do for you! You are....."
Draxo then started to thrust quicker getting closer.
"From everything.....I have done for you...... You question my un dying love....."
Krinto whole body shuttered, his brows then furrowed, to some how get out of his grasp, to then push him back to punch.
Draxo leaned back, to have his head be turned, krinto body slightly leaned up.
"Bullshit! You can not love! You are...."
Coming back down, draxo moved krintos upper body to the side to lay two hands to his head to press it down, krintos had his hands to his arms to dig his nails in, trying to get free.
Draxo leaned down to really thrust.
"How dare you..... Act this way with me!"
"Stop....... Pull out! I don't want.....aaaah"
Draxo then gave his all, to then fill krinto once again, feeling draxos length twitch inside of him once more, krinto couldn't help but cum to.
Draxo then pulled out, has a bit of his seed came to.
Draxo looked to krinto, cat like.
"You..... Apperently were not listening to me, everything that I do or have done, there is a pressing reason behind it."
Krinto scoffed.
"You..... Telling me.... False information, is for revenge and because you have no soul! You..... Are nothing but a taker draxo...... You take and take, till there is no more! Now...... Let go!"
Draxo gritted his teeth, to then lean back.
Krinto, moved up, to lay a bit to his side, eyeing the ground.
Draxo kneeling to the bed, kept his eyes to krinto
"Krinto.... I'm not lying......I love you......I have since you were 17."
Krinto turned his head to eye the wall.
"When I........ To thoughts of you right? Or when you came into my room and....."
Draxo moved to krinto, to move him about, to have him, kneeling, his back to his chest, kitko kept his head to the side.
Draxo went to his neck to move his bottom lip back and forth.
"Not..... Only that...... You followed me for two years kitko, you..... Understood me...."
"I..... Thought I did......"
Draxo peered his eyes to his face.
Krinto signed to look to draxo.
"Everyone called you.....a demon....... Who only cared for himself...... When I...... First saw you..... Looked into your eyes...... All I saw..... Was..... Mis understanding...... And untold fear......I....... Think I'm wrong..... Now..... Let me...."
Draxo, brought a hand to his neck to lift it up, the two kept looking to the other.
"What you saw.... Was right...... You also saw that when you followed me, I didn't do anything, now did I?"
Krintos eyes narrowed.
"Not till...... You knew...... How I felt for you..... Till you started to help me..... Alone in my bedroom...... You..... Then...... Made me watch..... When you...... With those women draxo! You used any excuse to have me go to your room, to then have me hide in the cloest to then watch, I ...... Can still remember you looking to me to smile. You are a heartless.....bas...."
Draxo lightly chuckled to go back to his neck to run his tongue up and down.
"I'f..... You weren't there......if I didn't see your face.....I wouldn't have the ability to cum........"
Krintos eyes widen.
"You..... Bastard!"
Draxo stopped licking to place his chin to his shoulder to look forward.
"You have no idea....... What being gay..... In my family..... Means krinto..... It is not like it was when you came out, my parents were not accepting has yours were.......I...... Couldn't....... Come to terms with my feelings for you..... Without there being...... dire consequences..... But I couldn't.... Stop them....."
Draxo peered his eyes to the side, krinto looked up and down.
"Bull......I don't.... Believe you......"
"Why else do you think.......I pushed you so much...... Made you watch? I thought...... You would come out of that cloest, and claim what you knew was yours..... But what did you do?"
Krinto turned his head to look forward.
Draxo smirked, to then take a hand about to go to his limp member to stroke.
"I..... Heard your quiet moans krinto...... You were...... Masterbating while I...... Had sex with them..... I'm sure that's why...... You didn't fight against my tricks..... With the first one, I was trying to push you away, I also didn't want to accept I had feelings for a man, like my brother did...... But...... Hearing your moans....... The way you didn't fight against me...... It was too late.....I was hooked to you....... Why else do you think I waited 388 years to finally take your virginity? I was not going to force it, was not going to just take it, I knew you were saving it for me, I also..... Needed to test your loyalty...... You never..... Went against me..... No matter how cruel I was..... You were always.... There..... Following me.....till I got you this job....."
Krintos length grew, his body quivered.
"Why..... Did you...."
Draxo went to his ear to nip.
"To..... Keep you safe..... To...... Make you mine...... Well...... To affirm it....... You know has well has I...... Everyone can smell when someone isn't a virgin anymore..... Couldn't risk..... Something happening to you......"
Krinto gritted his teeth.
"So..... This is.... All about you.... And your......dick? Why did you..... So what you did to your own brother draxo! Why did you...."
Krinto took a hand up to wrap his about his wrist, to stop the stroking, to turn his head to look into his eyes.
"Has I said...... You have no idea about my family and the notion of homosexuality, it was in part tharns fault."
Krinto raised his eye brows.
"He shouldn't have told my mother! I...... Heard her talking to my father, telling him, what she was told. My father wanted to drag tharn to the catacombs beneath the house, turn him into a blood whore for a couple of years, to get the gay out of him, my mother...... Wanted him to be put to death.. They had me, saw tharn has...... Nothing....I...... Couldn't allow that to happen..... So......I came up with that idea.......I..... Didn't want to..... But I...... Didn't want him to die...... Or be a..... After, what happened....... Yes I dragged him down....... But I'm also the one who took him out of there before he was raped and i took care of him. Because of the toxins we made, he would never know this of me."
Krinto raised an eye brow.
"I....... Believe your lying....... Then why did you try and kill his....."
Draxo tilted his head.
"You know what I used, right?"
The doctor nodded.
"It would never have truly killed him, I have to save face krinto, unlike my brother, since I run the family business, I still live with them..... They can not know of these things......I am only telling you these things because I know, your not going to tell anyone, it is also because I am in love with you."
Krintos eyes darted up and down to see what he did the first time he laid eyes on draxo.
Taking his other hand up, to his neck, he pulled him a bit down.
"Prove it...... Make love to me then."
Draxo smiled to lay his lips to krintos, to do just that, this time slowly and sensually.

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