go away!!!!

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To his office, tharn leaned back in his chair, he cocked his head to the side to look forward. He had to pull so many strings, use all his connections, but he knew it would be worth it. Getting up, he spent all day and half the night away from his half breed, he needed to see if he was alright.
Going to there room, tharn stood before the door, looking to the human guard.
"Been here, the whole time?"
He nodded.
"Had my food brought to me has requested and used the...... Metal pot to my left with I needed to....."
Tharn nodded.
"Good. Has he tried to...."
The guard shook his head.
Tharns eyes darted.
"Move then."
The guard nodded to step away from the door, for tharn to open. Has he looked about, his eyes widen has he saw type to the edge of the bed, back to him, head hung.
Tharn then entered fully to then close the door, pushing himself away he went to the edge to look over him, what occurred when he woke, kept tharn at Bay.
"Type? How are yo....."
He turned his head to grip the bedding.
Tharn peered his eyes down.
"I know...... You are...... Probably...... Very....upset with me that I.... Didn't protect you or....."
"Shut up!" He scoffed.
Tharn gritted his teeth.
"Type...... You need..... To let me...."
"I said, shut up!"
The two stayed in the silence, were surrounded by it.
Type took a deep breathe.
"How..... Long..... Were you.... Engaged?"
"For.....a year..... Before I met you, 3 months after...... We....."
"Is that..... Where you went... When you weren't here... When I worked alone?"
Type gripped the bedding tighter.
"You had......a woman..... Then you..... pursued me?"
"There is more to this then...."
Type then got up to stare at him, eyes blazed white, hands balled to his sides, they started to shake in anger.
"When you came into my job!? When you took me from my home!? When you turned me!? When we first kiss, made love! You had her!?"
Tharn peered his eyes up to look to type to dart his eyes.
"Yes, but type....."
He turned his head to look to the window.
"You...... Are just like the rest of them.... And now..... I'm fucking bound to you! For all of eternity because I drank from your lonesome, despicable blood! You...... Decieved me, made me fall in love with....."
Tharn shook his head to go to type, turning his head, he grabbed tharn by his collar to then throw him across the room, he's body landed inside the glass. His eyes widen to look to type.
Type gulped to look to his hands, gritting his teeth he turned to go to the bathroom.
Tharn watched him. Go not moving.
He stopped to the door frame.
"I told you..... Never to lie to me again..... All of this..... All of what we are..... Of based on nothing but lies."
Type turned his head to look to tharn, his eyes stayed pure white.
"I...... Hate you tharn. Get the fuck out of my room! Go away you piece of shit!"
Type turned his head to then go into the bathroom to slam the door.
Tharn got himself out of the window, to then walk to the bathroom door, he hung his head to knock.
"No! Go away! Get the fuck out of here! I don't want to talk to you! I hate you tharn! Go to hell!"
"You and I..... Need to talk...... Know this..... It is not what it appears to be..... Type.....I love you...."
"Fuck you!"
Tharn signed to then turn to leave.
Standing with his back to the guard, tharn flexed his jaw.
"Stay here, he doesn't leave. Understand me?"
"Yes sir."
Tharn nodded, he then turned to go talk to his brother.
Type breathed heavily, has he was before the sink.
Your not just..... Them..... Come back type..... Damn it.... Come back.....
Taking deep breathes, type looked up to see his eyes semi back to normal.
Taking a long deep breathe he stepped back, to eye the floor.
I..... Told you tharn..... What would happen..... If you, lied to me again.....
Turning, type left the bathroom, standing to the middle of the room, he could here a heart beat before the door, lifting his head up, he looked to the hole in the window.
Raising an eye brow, he knew he could fit.
To tharn, he went before kitkos room to knock. Hearing nothing, he opened the door to cover his eyes to go in.
"I know, you two are probably in the throes of, but we need to......"
Hearing nothing, he dropped his hand to look about.
"Kitko, draxo...."
Looking down, his eyes widen has he saw his brother to the floor, naked, he had his head turned, arm reached out.
Tharn stepped to the bed to grab a blanket, too then cover him, crouching he looked draxo in the eye.
"What is going on? Why are you like this?"
Draxo screamed, tharn then stood to look about.
"Where is kitko?"
He's eyes widen to look down, draxo was able to wrap his hand around tharns ankle to lift his head up, to eye, every moment caused him extreme pain but he needed tharn. He needed to save kitko.
"Did..... kitko.... Do this to you? Don't tell me, this is.... Some sort of...."
Draxo furrowed his eye brows, to scream loudly into his mouth.
Tharn signed to nod.
"One blink yes, 2 no. Did kikto do this?"
Draxo blinked once, they rapidly.
They didn't have time for this.
Tharn crouched to grab his arm to take his wrist before his mouth, he eyed.
Signing, he took a bite, to gather some Intel.
Taking his canines out, he nodded.
"I know what he used. Wait here."
Tharn got up, to see draxo roll his eyes.
Momentarily leaving, he came back, to tap a needle, to then go down to place it into his neck. Within minutes, draxo was up to go straight to the dresser to down on clothes in a rush. Tharn eyed him confused.
"What is going on?"
"Kitko..... Is going or with the committee of ancients right now...... He is...... Taking all of the blame on killing our parents.....I need to go to him and now....."
Tharn stepped to his brother to eye.
"It will be a wasted trip."
Dressed, draxo turned to eye tharn.
He then pushed him back.
"What did you say to me! Kitko is the only reason why I am still here to this earth, if anything happens to my mate, I'm going to...."
Tharns eyes widen.
"Didn't know..... He ment this much to you."
Draxo looked him over.
"I'm wasting time her talking to you! I need to...."
Draxo turned for tharn to place his hand to his shoulder to stop him.
"It's a wasted trip, I.... Thought you two.... Were... Inside here......has I left my mate for a bit....I.... Called the committee of ancients.....I..... Placed everything on me..... Had to pull every string I had, also had to almost black mail a few of them, but I learned something, and what I learned, has saved us all. Kitko, will come back after he hears from them."
Draxo turned his head to eye.
"You did.... What? What did you learn?"
Draxo shook his head.
"I'm still going to him. We will come back."
Draxo shook him. Off to run.
Tharn nodded.
Leaving the room, he went to go check on tami and kaketo, entering he looked about to discover them to be gone.
Shrugging, he needed to go talk to his mate.
Going before there door, the guard nodded to then move away.
Tharn entered to look about with widen eyes.
Turning his head, he saw blood to the jagged edge of the broken window.
Running to it, he flexed his jaw in anger.
Type...... Where did you go!?

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