chapter two

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*3 years later*

you were kind of a big deal now. you were featured in many popular movies and movie franchises, including Marvel. you were the youngest ever person to win an Oscar and an Emmy. you modeled for Vogue, and many designer brands. not to mention the popular celebrity's you were now friends with. but what you were most proud of was how lots of teenagers looked up to you, you did a lot of speeches about body image and anxiety/depression. even at your young age, 15, you were still a role model to many people.

*y/n pov*

walking through the streets was now difficult, especially in New York. paparazzi followed me everywhere, and it would be one thing if they were nice and respectful, but believe me when i tell you they were not.

"c'mon! lets see that pretty face of yours!"

"hey! hey! y/n what's you relationship status."

"going to see anyone special?"

they called out to me while clicking their obnoxious cameras. all the questions seemed to be about my love life, and frankly, that was none of their business. to be honest, i had no intention of dating anyone any time soon. i could easily get a guy, or so i've been told, but i wasn't personally sure i could. no matter how many Vogue or Gucci photoshoots i did i was still a 15 year old girl, who had some insecurities.

i was brought out of my daze when my best friend stopped me.

"Don't we have to go in here?" Y/b/f said.

We were stopped at a door.

"Oh right."

I had been scheduled to go on The Tonight Show, this was my 2nd time on so I decided to bring my best friend. We walked in the door finally getting away from all the cameras. A lady walked up to us with a clip board in her hand.

"Miss y/n, miss y/b/f. This way to your dressing room." She motioned for you to follow her.

Once i got there you saw my outfit had already been laid out by my stylist who was already there. It was a skirt and top set. They were both baby blue, the top looked like a jacket that had been cropped, the skirt matched.


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My hair was put up in a high ponytail that had a single dutch braid in the center of my head. I chose some white heels to go with it. My makeup was pretty simple, I wanted it to be relatively natural.


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Y/b/f had already left to get her seat.

"We need you back stage to get miked up, ma'am." The stage director said.

I followed her to a dimly lit corner, i could hear Jimmy Fallon's muffled voice talking on stage. Makeup artists swarmed around me doing final touches, while a lady dressed in all black with a head set hid the microphone wires.

"On in 10." The lady whispered to me.

I nodded my head and prepared myself to go on stage.

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