chapter nineteen

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"and that is my skin care routine. thank you so much for watching, bye!" i shut off the camera that was filming for Vogue's youtube channel.

i walked over to my desk and transferred the video from my camera to my computer, then sent it to George. i let out a sigh because all my work was done. that is all my influencer work, now i have to do my school. since i was homeschooled my mom didn't force me to do all my work since i was in Australia, and i was technically working. but i did try and do as much as i could.

i know it wasn't easy for her, me being away for so long. all my siblings were in college and she wasn't used to being alone. i guess that's what happens when you have kids. anyways i try to text or call her when we both have time, i'll give her short updates on text and write more in-depth ones in letters. or i'll call her in the morning when i'm getting ready and her and my dad are eating dinner. of course i do the same with my dad, and not as much with my siblings, but it's not like i would be seeing them right now even if i was back home. we're still close but nothings really that different, except for the occasional text about how Robert was.

"ugh their so annoying."

Millie and Sabrina thought it would be a great idea to invite the Irwin's over for tea and cookies. let me be more specific, homemade cookies, which i find funny because neither of them now how to cook. i offered to help, seeing as i'm the only one who does, but they insisted that i don't. so i intended on staying in my room the whole visit doing homework. i wasn't trying to be rude, but i knew the only reason they invited them over was so they could set me up with Robert. and i was not going to play their game like i did the last time at the zoo.

i snapped out of my thoughts when i looked at the time, some how it had been an hour and my english paper was done.

"welp that was easy."

i got caught up in my thoughts a lot while doing homework, especially when writing a boring paper, no offense mom.

the Irwin's would be arriving soon so i decided to take a nap, Millie and Sabrina would feel to bad to wake me up. i snuggled into my cozy blankets and let my head rest on my fluffy pillow. right as i was about to drift off into a dreamless sleep the fire alarm started to blare and i heard a scream. i shot up from my bed smelling smoke. i rushed downstairs to find Sabrina in the kitchen filling up a glass of water, flames bursting out of the stove.

"what the hell is happening!?" i yelled over the loud alarm.

"i-i don't know! the burner, i-it like blew up!" Sabrina went to throw the water onto the stove.

"no! it's a gas burner, the water only makes it worse!" she didn't process my words until after she threw the water on.

she put her hands in front of her face, attempting to protect it from the new wave a flames roaring towards her.

"get out of there!" i screamed from the stairs.

Sabrina ran towards me, meeting me on the last step of the stairs.

"get Millie quickly pack bags of essentials for me, you and her, and get out. i'll take care of this." she waited for a moment, staring at me with eyes full of fear. "hurry!" i gave her a push up the stairs and she quickly obeyed.

i turned back to the kitchen quickly searching for a fire extinguisher from a far. finally i spotted a bright red metal object on the other side of the kitchen. i ran for it, covering my mouth and nose with my shirt was i went. i made it, picking it up i read the label, "class A".

"damn!" i cursed.

i needed a class B extinguisher to put of a gas fire. i frantically looked around the kitchen, spotting a small potted tree in the corner i rushed to that. smoke began filling my lungs and it got harder to breathe. beads of sweat rolled down my forehead due to the growing heat. i made it to the plant, scoping dirt up with my hands i threw it onto the fire, attempting to smother it. coughing as i went i repeated the process until the fire was out. i hunched over the now empty pot coughing, sucking up air when i had the chance.

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