Chapter four

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"Hi." I gave him an embarrassed and slightly confused smile.

"Hi." He said back.

"His accent, oh my god his accent." I thought to myself.

I shook hands with the rest of his family before sitting down again. I looked at Jimmy and gave a sarcastic smile, he laughed at this until I stopped smiling.

I raised my eyebrows like I was saying "seriously, what the hell!"

He cleared his throat before he began to talk. Though he was saying something to the Irwin's I didn't hear anything. I was to embarrassed and honestly a little mad at Jimmy. Not only mad at him because he embarrassed me but also because I forced myself to not like Robert anymore, and now I'm afraid I do again. This wouldn't be so serious if I wasn't on live television, I could walk away, or get mad at Jimmy, even pretend I had a boyfriend. But I couldn't do any of that now. I straightened my back and put on a smile, even though I was embarrassed I couldn't look it, the gossip magazines would go crazy.

I felt eyes on me, not the normal "oh my god everybody's looking at me!" Feeling that I got when I did talk shows. It was something softer. I hesitated, but finally I looked to the side of me. Robert was looking at me, and when our eyes met a soft smile came across both of our faces. We continued to look into each others eyes for what felt like a lifetime.

"Robert. Robert!" Jimmy called.

We were brought out of our daze by Jimmy snapping in our faces. Bindi was pressing her lips together trying to conceal a smile. Terri winked at Robert and Chandler gave him a nudge with his elbow. Once again my face started to burn.

"Is the feeling mutual?" Jimmy asked, there was a couple giggles from the crowd.

Okay now I was just annoyed. I loved Jimmy I really did but what is his problem.

"That's hilarious Jimmy, I'm seriously falling out of my chair laughing." A sarcastic smile was forced upon my face.

Right as I said this Robert was taking a sip of water, he spit it out trying not to laugh. Terri was shocked, she elbowed Robert rather forcefully in the side.

"Sorry." I mouthed to her, she shook her head like it wasn't a problem.

I grabbed a tissue from Jimmy's desk and handed it to Robert.

"That was a good one." he whispered in my ear.

I grinned from ear to ear. I noticed someone off stage trying to tell Jimmy something.

"Change the subject! Change the subject!" He was frantically whispering.

"Right. So y/n your new movie just came out correct?"

"Yes! Ugh it was so fun to film, it was really a great experience."

"So tell us a little about your character."

I told them about my character then a little about the plot of the movie, and finally our segment was over.

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