Being watched

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My pov: I put the gift basket in my  room and went to work at the bodaga . While I was walking I got the strange feeling I was being watched . I looked and saw some on in a black hood so I stared running  throught the wood as a short cut . 

Me thought: "who is this person what do they want "* i thought *

* but they just kept following me until evently I reached the bodaga and ran inside to be greated with rad ko and Enid .

Enid : "Kayla easy what wrong " *she said *

Me: "I'm being followed  by a man in a black hood " *I said *

Rad :  "oh cob well Halloween party coming up we can stay close by if that creep come back " *he said *

Ko :" yeah don't worry Kayla were here for you 🙂" *He said *

Me: "thanks guys " *I said  *

* watching from out side the window *

* watching from out side the window *

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*Pulls down his hood *

Venomous: oh my sweet Kayla why must you run my love  it those brats well if I get them out of my way then you'll be all mine ~😏❤️* he said *

* I was taking over for Enid rad and ko were in there breaks  at the counter when someone came in it was the hoodie he look at me and  approched  the counter *

Me : "can I help you sir " 😰* I said with * 

*Using a voice changer *

*He grabed my hand *

Venomous: "yes you can help me ~ ❤️😏" *he said *

* he pulled me from behind the counter to the back of the story to the closet and lock the door * 

Me:" what do want from me "*  I said *

* lemon *

* he pull down my skirt and panties and unzipped his pants and stared trusting really hard which made me Yelp in pain .

Venomous : "stay quiet ! " *he growled *

Me: "please let me go "* I sobbed *

Venomous : "not until your done helping me ~ 😏❤️" *he said *

* couple minutes later he finish and left the closet and looked at me *

Venomous : "don't tell anyone what I did or I will make your friends pay "* he said *

Me: 😢 " Ok " *I said *

* after my shift ended and went home and locked my door Enid rad and ko tryed to asked what was wrong  beause he said he hurt them if I told them . 

Yandere venomous x Kayla Desiree (me )my little angel * reboot *Where stories live. Discover now