Tea with a friend

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My pov of view I was getting ready to meet my friend  rose at her house for tea this afternoon . I walked to rose house and knocked on the door . A few minutes later see answer.

Rose : "hi Kayla glad you can come over " *she said *

Me: "glad you invited me over " *I said *

* we went out back to her paddio and sat at her picnic table *

 My thought : "I don't want tell her about the hooded man following me " I thought *

Rose: "I heard what happen to Rad and red action Enid told me earlier "*she said *

Me: "oh " *I said *

* the tea pot started shooting steam *

Rose : "oh the tea ready 🙂"* she said *

* and got up and brought the tea pot out and pour the tea in the cups *

Me: "thank you 😌"* I said *

* took a sip *

Rose : "your welcome btw is there a hood man stalking you " *she said *

* I nearly choked on my tea *

Me: "yes But don't get involved I don't want you get hurt " *I said *

Rose : "ok just know that I'm your friend and I here for you "* she said*

Me: "thanks 😌"* I said *

* watching from the rose bush*

Venomous thought : "now how do get a better veiwing of Kayla without them seeing me" * he thought *

* the suddenly a grey kitten brushed up against venomous leg*

Kitten : *meow *

Venomous: "now we're did you come from "* he said pick up the kitten *

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Venomous: "now we're did you come from "* he said pick up the kitten *

* he grabbed a rose from the bush without thorns *

Venomous: "you could be of use to me " *he said *

Kitten : 😥

* he put the kitten threw the bush and in the yard and he walk toward us with a rose in its mouth. we were talk ing when we saw the kitten *

Me: "aww how cute 😊" *I said *

Rose : "oh dear he must of got stuck in the roses " *she said*

me : "who care that's adorable "* I said *

* we followed the kitten and venomous got some rose from the buses and left *then after me and rose tea time I went home too .

Yandere venomous x Kayla Desiree (me )my little angel * reboot *Where stories live. Discover now