It was fall at and at work at gars bodage and I was work with my friends rad Enid and gar
One day we had a encounter wit professor venomous a villain who was dangerous he saw me and shice that day I been followed but in in secret but I later...
My pov: it was another day at the bodaga it was the end of our shift rad Enid and ko walked home with me so in case the man in the hood came back .
Enid :" Kayla are you ok are still think about what happened "* she said *
Me: "yes I am 😔"* I said *
Ko : "don't worry Kayla we will make sure get home safely "* he said *
Rad : "yeah you'll be fine "* he said *
* time skip *
* we were walking home Thought the woods for a short cut .
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when we lost rad along the ways so we spend some time looking from him when I got seperated from then others .
Me: "guys hello 😥" * I said *
* meanwhile Enid and ko were still looking for rad . And I'm trying to find the others .
Rad pov : I walk look for Enid ko and Kayla when i was tackle to the groud . I looks up to see the hooded guy Kayla told us about . And he stabed me in the back .
Rad : "why are you doing this " *he said *
*Using voice changer *
Venomous : "because I want your Kayla your cashier / delivery girl "* he said *
Rad: "why do you want with her "* he said *
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* he stabed him more *
Venomous : "none of your business " *he said *
* he kept stabbing rad till he stoped moving and left his body in the wood and went to look for the others and me *
Venomous :" one down two to go then you be in my arms my little angel " *he said laughing *
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* I got home and got a texted from Enid asking I I got home and I said yes and I didn't find rad .