It was fall at and at work at gars bodage and I was work with my friends rad Enid and gar
One day we had a encounter wit professor venomous a villain who was dangerous he saw me and shice that day I been followed but in in secret but I later...
* me and venomous have been getting even closer together in our relationship . He was in his study so I went there to check on him . I knock on the door and he answered .
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Venomous : "hello my little angel what bring you to my study "* he said ~❤️*
* I closed the door after coming in the study and sat down on his lap *
Me: "I just wanted to spend time with you " * isaid *
*He kissed my cheek *
Venomous : "how about you help me out in the lab"* he said*
Me : "ok " * I said *
* we headed to the lab and he asked me to pour chemical in the beaker and it puff smoke in the shape of a heart 😊 .
Me: "aww venny * kiss him* I said *
Venomous : "Kayla whould you met me in the ball room tomarrow night there something I was waiting to ask you " *he said *
Me: "of course sweetie " * I said *
Venomous : "ok then we'll I be in bed shortly "* he said *
Me:* kissed him* "ok don't stay up to late " *I said *
Venomous : "ok dear ~ 😏❤️" *he said *
* I went to bed and venomous called billiam to sett up the surpise what he was gonna ask me , and Cosma and other billiams will be there .
*On the phone *
Billiam :" oh this is exicting my boy you and Kayla been dating of one whole year" *he said *
*Venomous hold the box with the ring *
Venomous :" yeah I hope she says yes ~ 😅" *He said *
Billiam : "don't be so nervous my boy she will say yes we'll all know how much she loves you " *he said *
Venomous : "yes thank for you help Billiam * He said *
Billiam : " your welcome my boy "*he said *
* he hung up and head to bed next to me *
Venomous thought :" I can't wait till tomarrow night ~~❤️😊" *He thought *