Happy life 😊

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My pov : me and venomous were at our hotel room , I decide I wanted to take a bath . So I went in the bathroom and saw venomous siting in the tub 😏 At me .

Me: "hi hon ~ 😊"* I said *

Venomous : "well are you coming in with me ~ 😏❤️" *he said *

Me: "yes of course " *I Said *

* I get in the tub and lay my head on venomous chest and he hold me close . We sat there for a half hour and relax . Then we got out and put our pj on and we looked out the window at the beautiful view  . 

Venomous:" I love you Kayla "  * he said 😘*

Me:" I love you too venomous "* I said *

Venomous : "and now we have our whole life together  ~ " *he said *

Me: "yes a long wonderful  life "* I said *

*And so we caused chaos in Lakewood as husband and wife   , we live happily ever after  in our life together  . 

The end 

Yandere venomous x Kayla Desiree (me )my little angel * reboot *Where stories live. Discover now