It was fall at and at work at gars bodage and I was work with my friends rad Enid and gar
One day we had a encounter wit professor venomous a villain who was dangerous he saw me and shice that day I been followed but in in secret but I later...
My pov : I was getting ready to go meet venomous at the ballroom . I put on (this ballgown )
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and fluffed my wings and flew to the ball room .
*At the ballroom *
Venomous pov : I was making sure every thing was ready before Kayla got here . I had the ring and I was nervous but I talked with Billiam .
Billiam : "alright dear boy she here are you ready " *he said *
Venomous :" I don't know if I can do this "* he said *
Billiam: "you love the girl don't you " *he asked *
Venomous : "more than anything "* he said bravely *
Cosma : "she here don't keep her waiting 😏" *she said *
Me:" hi venomous 😊❤️"* I said *
*Music started playing He held out his hand *
Venomous :" may I have this dance "* he asked *
Me: *nods *
* we started danceing with each he spined me around on the floor and ended in a dip . Then he took me out by the fountain in the court yard .
Venomous : "Kayla are you happy with me " *he asked*
Me: "oh yes very mush so 😊"*I said *
Venomous :" Kayla there somthing I've been waiting to ask you ~"* he said *
Me: "what is it "* I asked *
*He gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring *
Venomous : "Kayla Desiree will you marry me ~ ❤️"* he said *
Me:* stared tears of joy * yess! Yess! 😭❤️ Of course I will "* I said *
* he hugged me and the villian clapped for us and now there the wedding to plan comas helping us with that and we went home to get some rest for our busy day ahead.