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Make a little conversation
So long I've been waiting
To let go of myself and feel alive

- One Direction


Maya's strength betrays her once again as she struggles against Jenna's grip.

"I told you again and again but you never fucking listen , are you so desperate to be exposed.  I'll do it you know I will " she screams tightening her grip around Maya's neck making her breathless .

"It was ..... for the - the pro-project " Maya struggles to speak out her voice ragged and broken.

"Then change partners , tell the teacher you want another partner , I'll help you"

"But-" Maya begins but is cut off by Jenna hand against her cheek leaving another bruise .

Maya bursts into tears now and agrees to Jenna .

Jenna smirks pleased with herself and tells her to call her when she approaches the teacher , from now on she only needs to stay aways from the boys .

Maya nods weary and dizzy .

They leave her in the washroom stall to cry by herself and she does the whole evening.

When she makes her way out she's approached by Jessie who holds on to her arm asking her where she has been .

Maya decides to be harsh and pushes her back roughly .

"You're so fucking annoying!" She tells Jessie before walking away .

Jessie stands there for a while with a frown on her face .

"Are you okay?"

Its Jeongin .

Jessie nods quickly , turns out that Jeongin had watched the whole incident unfold .

"What do you think happened to make her act like this ?" Jessie questions and they make their way to the cafeteria.

Maya is found nowhere in the cafeteria or anywhere around .

They sit down with the boys and Chan leans over to ask about Maya .

"She snapped at Jessie today for no reason really but there must be something up for her to act that way " Jeongin says as he narrates the whole incident.

"She looked dazed " Jessie adds in .

"Try approaching her in the dorm if you're okay " Chan says .

"I will , don't worry "

"Do you think its that girl that always shades her on twitter , what was her name again ?" Hyunjin asks scratching his neck.

" Jenna " Jessie replies .

" ah yes, do you think there's something related to that "

" I don't think she wanted me to tell you all this but I think I should right now "

"Go on " Jisung prompts .

"My first day , Jenna and her cronies cornered her and kept calling her slut , I couldn't interfere there were too many supporting Jenna and I was locked out of the washroom but I think they hit her "

"She had a bruise that day , there was something going on after all " Changbin states .

Chan sighs covering his face woth his hands .

He mutters something about how he didn't think the situation was this bad .

"Jenna knows something that she blackmails her with and it seems like a lot of old students know as well " Hyunjin comments thoughtfully.

"She probably doesn't want anyone else to be aware of it " Seungmin adds .



CB97:  are you okay???

CB97: ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

CB97: talk to me please

CB97: I'm lonelyyyyy

CB97: Maaaayaaaaa !! Oi oi

CB97: you're here yayyy

CB97: hey come on don't leave me
            on read , I'm offended

CB97: Maya please
Not delivered

CB97: oh hell no
Not delivered

CB97: you can't just block me like that
Not delivered

CB97: 😣😣😞
Not delivered


Maya didn't return to the dorms that night and Jessie grew more and more concerned as each minute passed by .

At 11 : 30 she called Jeongin and told him about it .

At 11 : 40 Jeongin called Chan to express his concern .

At 11 : 45 Chan stepped out to look for her .

At 11 : 50 Chan had looked throughout the building and had found nothing to figure out where she was .

At 11 : 55 He accidentally came across Namjoon doing well *cough * things *cough* to Jin but now was not the time for Chan to tease him or do anything at all .

They agreed to pretend that they didn't see each other and parted ways with Jin cursing at Namjoon for being spontaneous .

Chan would laugh but he was still too concerned and continued his search .

At 11 : 59 he heard sobbing from behind the bushes right outside the building .

At 12 : 00 he found her , arms bleeding,  blade lying on the grass , tears streaming down her face .

His heart dropped .


I was stumbling, looking in the dark
With an empty heart
But you say you feel the same
Could we ever be enough?

- One Direction

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