Plane Ride Meeting

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Maddie POV

Maddie: Yes?

I spoke threw my bracelet.

Sandy: we got a emergency mission in Tampa. Can you let to go do it?

Maddie: yeah. I just gotta get home and let my parents know.

Sandy: ok the mission is to get the suitcase that's has a flash drive in it.

Maddie: what's so important about the flash drive?

Sandy: if it gets into the wrong hands they can hack into the government and well you know the rest.

Maddie: Yeah I do. Bluh Bluh Bluh the world is in your hands. Where is the suitcase?

Sandy: A bad person is going to get it know. In Tampa. Then There flying out. We need you to get it before they get on the plane.

Maddie: wow am I going to get it once they go into the back?

Sandy: look I'm not the spy. I'm the hacker. Your'll figer it out. You always do.

She hunged up and got my stuff out my locker. It was only 5 minutes leaved of school I might as well just leave know. I rushed to my car and hopped in. I beat the school traffic and got home quickly. I rushed through the doors. Both my mom and dad turn there heads.

Mom: what happened? Are you ok baby?

Maddie: I'm fine.

I yelled running up the stairs. I heard footsteps coming behind me. I got my bag and put on some all black Jordan's. With my sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

Mom: oh a mission?

Maddie: yes. I got to go. I'll call you when I can. I love you.

I hugged both of them and kissed there cheeks.

Dad: you think you might make it to church?

Maddie: I think so.

I ran out the house into my car. When I arrived at the airport I went to get my bags checked. Once I did I went to sercutiy.

Dan: Maddie!

Maddie: hey Dan!

Dan: *whispers* another mission?

Maddie: yeah and my plane leaves in like 10 minutes. I don't have time for all of this.

Dan: come with me.

I followed Dan passed sercutiy.

Dan: well there you go, and you know your way around so there shouldn't be a problem. I'll see you when you land.

Maddie: your going to be on the plane?

Dan: no not today. Maybe another day.

Maddie: ok well I got to go.

And with that I walked off.

Dan: bye!

Maddie: peace!

I started running toward the gate. While running I dropped my phone. I stopped and picked it back up. Only to get pushed down by another person rushing. We bumped into eachother then fell down.

Maddie&??: sorry.

We both said. At the same time. He got up and wiped his butt off. Then put his hand out for me. I grabbed it and hopped back up.

Maddie: I'm so sorry.

??: me too.

When I finally looked up and looked at his face. He was fine. I looked at him more as he looked at my face to in a deep stare.

??: digs! We got to go. Plane leaves in 2 minutes!

Some guy with a curly Afro called. We both look another way. As he was a lot to say something. The same guy spoke again.

??: we got 1 minute!

I looked at my phone relazing I had 1 minute to get on my plane. I took off walking fastly to my gate. I just barely made it to my section. A-31. I sat down in a seat putting breathing. Texting my parents letting them now I was on the plane. I looked out the window. When I felt some sit down. I turn my head seeing the same fine ass guy I bumped into.

??: oh hey again. Sorry...

Maddie: me too.

??: yeah sorry.

I looked at him like he was crazy. Why he say that twice? He looked nervous. He put his hand out so I could shake it.

??: I'm Daniel but most people call me DIggy.

Maddie: I'm Maddie.

I shook his hand. Diggy Huh? Cute name. I've heard that name before from someone. But I didn't wanna say anything about it.

Maddie: Umm I hope you don't mind me asking but what's your last name?

Diggy: Simmons

Maddie: ok then.

The plane started to move and I but my phone on airplane mode. Diggy and I talked like the whole ride. He's funny and sweet.

Maddie: so why are you going to tampa?

Diggy: A concert...

Maddie: a concert?

Diggy: yeah... Diggy Simmons

Maddie: ohhh I think I've heard off you before.

Diggy: yeah I'm that rapper guy with the built muscles and amazing face.

He smirked smiling to his self. I just looked at him. The plane landed and we both got up. We got off the plane and I was in mission mode. I quickly got off the plane forgetting everything that just happened. Diggy caught up to me. I

Diggy: hey Maddie what's the rush?

I didn't answer. I pulled out wallet looking at the card of the case number. I put on my spy glasses and glasses scaring the card. Diggy must think I'm crazy. He looked at me hard wondering why was I staring at the card. After scanning it I turned to Diggy.

Maddie: Diggy I love to stay and chat but I got to go. Maybe we'll see eachother again.

I put my wallet into my "pocket" and ran off before he could say anything.

Diggy POV

Maddie: Diggy I love to stay and chat but I got to go. Maybe we'll see eachother again.

As soon as she said that she was gone before I could say a thing. I sighed and looked down noticing she dropped something. I pick it up. It was her wallet. I looked in it seeing a identification card. With her phone number on it and everything. Since she already gone I'll just call her tomorrow to give her her wallet. I turned on my heels walking to the guys.

Maddie POV

I went into the bathroom and changed into a flight attendant outfit so I can get back to the luggage area. I went to go get my bag. I saw Diggy there. I looked at him wanted to say something but I have a mission to do first. Maybe I catch him later. Plus he's going to think I'm crazy Cuz of this costume thingy I got on. I headed towards the luggage area. When I got back there I looked carefully at the bags. I remembered it was a black case. I scanned a couple searching for the one. Once I found it I climbed up the latter reaching for it when a person grabbed my hand. I grabbed him and flipped him over the stairs. Another one charged at me. I ducked and punched him on the floor. Kicking his side. He grabbed my foot and pulled me down. I pushed him off the side falling on the level beneath us. I grabbed the suitcase and called for security to they got the rest. I ran to the bathroom taking off the costume. Putting back on my clothes quickly running out to baggage claim hoping Diggy was there. But he wasn't. I sighed and went outside seeing a black car with a person outside it with my name on a card. I walked to him.

??: hello Agent.

He opened the door and I got in. I looked at the tinted windows seeing Diggy get into a car. I tried to stop the car but it was to late. My driver was all ready down the road. I didn't even get his number.

Diggy and Maddie met! When you think Diggy going to give her a call?? Comment! Vote! Love yall stay mindless!!

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