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Maddie POV

Diggy had got me the ticket yesterday. I grabbed my bag and walked down the stairs.

Maddie: hey guys... Umm I just got a mission alert. I have to go.

Dad: where is it?

Maddie: it's only about an 1 hour away. So there driving me there. I just have to go to the organization. And I really don't have time.

Dad: well... Ok then. And we'll talk about the Diggy BET thingy later when you get back.

Maddie: ok.

I can't believe I just lied to my dad. I walked out the door and got in my car driving off to Diggy's hotel room. When I got there I went to his room. He opened the door for me and I walked in.

Diggy: hey Ma.

Maddie: hey digs.

Diggy: you ready to go?

Maddie: well no. I brought some clothes with me to change into.

Maddie pulled out my jeans and shirt that's too small when I put it on it looks like a crop top. I went to the bathroom quickly changing and coming out after.

Diggy: your dad lets you own this time of clothes? Wait what happened to the skirt ?

Maddie: it's just a shirt that's to small for me.. And I changed my mind.

Diggy: you wanna wear one of my shirts?

Maddie: can I wear your white button down one?

Diggy nodded and get the shirt I switched it real quick and Diggy and I were out on the way to his concert. When we arrived there were fans everywhere. And I mean everywhere! We went around back and hopped out the car. Diggy pulled me into his dressing room.

Diggy: crap I'm first.

Diggy quickly ran into the bathroom changing. I sat down on the coach in the room and waited.. He came out walking out the dressing room. I followed him out as he got mic-ed up. I noticed OMG, MB and Jacob Latimore. Only prodigy wasn't there. And there was some other guy there. I waved walking over there.

Maddie: hey guys.

Princeton: hey. Maddie this is Mike. He's our new member of mindless behavior

Maddie: so it's 6 of y'all?

EJ: no. Prodigy was inly back for alittle bit.

Ray: and today is Roc's and mine last time with MB. So it's really just 3. Princeton EJ and Mike.

Babydoll: and it's our last performance as a a group.

Maddie: wow.. Why?

Star: we all want different things.

Ray: what star just said.

Roc: well I'm dropping the name Roc Royal. Just call me Santo August.

Maddie: boy who are you Hakeem Lyon?

Everybody laughed at my comment. I tried my best to lighten the mood. Diggy walked over to us putting his arm over me.

Star: oh Shittt y'all look like a kick ass couple!

I laughed alittle not believing she just said that. A person came over saying they were bout to start. We all concennected hands.

Diggy: Ma you should pray.

Maddie: huh?

Diggy: pray for the concert.

Maddie: umm ok..

I closed my eyes bowing my head.

Maddie: let us pray. Dear father God first I wanna give thanks for waking us up this morning. You could have decided to not wake us up but you have blessed us with another day. I pray for our sins that you would cleanz us and help us be more like you. I pray for this concert that you watch over everyone as they perform that they would remember everything they practice and worked for. I pray for everyone in this building that we will be save and nothing would try to hurt harm or damage us. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

I opened my eyes and clapped.

Beauty: wow you sound like a real preacher.

Maddie: listening to my dad pray helps I guess.

DJ Big Deal: I can't believe after this concert I won't be here. Santo Ray and OMG won't be here either. This crazy man.

Jacob: yeah I'm really going to miss all y'all goofy crazy asses.

They all had a moment. It was cute way they hugged on there last concert together. DJ got on the stage piping up the crowd.

DJ Bug Deal: everybody!! Diggy!!!

Diggy: wish me luck.

Maddie: luck!

Diggy smiled  running on stage rapping as soon as he got on the stage. He looked like he was horned to be on that stage. Like that stage was his life. You could tell he loves his job. He did an normal performance then looked over at me smirking as the song he sang to me last concert to me. I smiled as he told me to come on stage. I started walking on stage. He did what he did last concert almost the same if you ask me. But over all the concert was fun. But sadly all fun things come to an end. I said goodbye to everybody. Diggy and I drove to his hotel room. I hugged him  goodbye.

Diggy: I'll call you tonight.

Maddie: ok. I'll be waiting by my phone.

I laughed getting into my car. Driving away.

Ima try to update this more

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