Hanging Out With Diggy

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Maddie POV

We walked into his hotel room and I sat in his bed. I took off my heels and put them on the floor.

Diggy: do you want to change?

Maddie: do you have anything that will fit me?

Diggy: I might.

Diggy looked through his bag for something for me to change into. He found something and handed it to me.

Diggy: you wanna see our concert?

Maddie: yeah but I can't. My dad will never let me go unless it's a gospel concert.

Diggy: Well that's sucks..

Maddie: yeah I know

Diggy: well I wish you could be there.

Maddie: me too. Maybe I can find a way..

Diggy: maybe. But what you going to do? Lie?

Maddie: maybe...

Diggy: a PK is going to lie?

Maddie: I said maybe.

Diggy laughed and took off his jacket. Putting it on the bed.

Diggy: so why is your church in the middle of a Jewish community and the hood?

Maddie: I really don't even know. It used to be a movie theater.

Diggy: I can kindof tell... Umm can you help me with this tie?

Maddie: sure.

I walked over to him and started un-doing his tie. He smiled down at me. He's so tall. I mean I'm tall but he's so much more taller then me.

Maddie: what you smiling at?

Diggy: You. Your really beautiful..

Maddie: thanks..

I finished undoing his tie and I handed it to him. He put it on the bed and I was about to turn around when Diggy grabbed my arm and turned me back around.

Diggy: what's that on your neck?

Maddie: huh?

Diggy: it looks like a scar..

I quickly covered it. I just recently got that fighting. Spy work..

Maddie: oh I got that a while ago.

Diggy: it looks recent.

Maddie: it's not.

Diggy: well ok Miss. Mysterious.

Maddie: mysterious?

Diggy: your very Mysterious. But I like it. I find something new about you everyday.

That's because I'm a spy. I wanted to say but I didn't.

Maddie: wow.

Diggy: well let's change.

I picked up the clothes Diggy gave me. Diggy started un-buttoning his shirt and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. He was so built. He took off his shirt and put it on the bed. He looked up and saw me staring and he smirked.

Diggy: you like what you see?

I snapped out of my trance and meet his eyes.

Maddie: I've seen better..

Diggy: really Miss. PK.

Maddie: no... Your the only I've seen in person.

Diggy: so you never been to the beach or pool?

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