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The night of the ball rolls around sooner than I anticipated, full of rushed school days and polite chats with Harry whenever we ran into each other before classes. I stood in my shared room and looked over myself in the mirror one last time, wiping my finger around the sides of my mouth to catch any straying lip gloss before walking down into the common room and out of Slytherin. I walk quickly down the halls, stopping at the top of the staircases to curtsy before the paintings which nod at me in approval, making me smile. From here, I can hear the excited chatter of friends and partners, the light tapping of heals and the gentle hum of strings. I make my way to the top of the grand staircase and peek around the corner for my date who appears to stand with his back me, chatting happily with Ron Weasley and the Patil twins, one of which I assume is his date.

I emerge slightly, catching one of the girls eye who points at me as Harry turns quickly to meet my gaze. I step fully into view, flipping my hair over my shoulder confidently and adjusting one of the straps on my dress. I hold my long, black velvety, dress in one hand as I sweep down to meet them, eyes trained on the stairs to catch me from falling. At the bottom, Harry takes my hand and gawks at me.

"My, Naomi, you look absolutely gorgeous."

"You say that with such surprise, Potter," I say, jokingly, pushing my glasses gently up on my nose. 

"Really stunning, like the night sky," Ron nods, eyes stuck on the dotted Gold sequins which reflect the candles lighting the entry to the ballroom.

Before I can respond, Professor McGonagall rushes over and tells us to prepare for our dance which Harry and I will do first as tradition for the tri-wizard champions and their dates at the Yule Ball. Harry's eyes immediately show clear panic and I place a hand on his shoulder to soothe him.

"Don't worry, I'm an excellent dancer," I reassure.

"Well that's great, cause I'm terrible," he cringes.

Once everyone piles into the ballroom, a pathway is made from the entrance to the dance floor for the champions. First, Fleur Delacour and her partner, followed by Viktor Krum and Hermione Granger, which is a surprise to me since I imagined she and Ron would have come together. Then Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang enter in front of Harry and me. As we walk slowly down the centre of everyone, I can't help but notice the shocked stares of a few people who clearly didn't expect to see me and Harry together, especially on such an occasion. We make it to the middle of the dance floor, and I motion for Harry to put his hands on my waist. He does, awkwardly and I take his hand as we begin to sway to the music. We dance in circles for a while, and I giggle when Harry steps on my toes and appears to be counting in time to keep his rhythm at one point. My previously heavy black dress spins gently with us as the sequins catch the light and twinkle slightly, light as air. Soon, everyone joins us and the added awkwardness of being watched disappears.

We dance for another song or two and stand off to the side watching until the classical music comes to and end and the band comes out to play some proper dancing music. I don't dance much on my own, but I drag Harry out to jump along to a few songs with Hermione and Ron. Hermione seems to be fairly stuck to Viktor, but Ron and Harry go to sit when they've had enough. I stay and dance for another song or two before I decide I need a break and walk by the boys.

"Hey, I'm just heading out for some air if you'd like to join me. Its suddenly gotten quite stuffy in here," I offer. Harry smiles but nods in Ron's direction whose eyes are focused on Hermione, dancing with Viktor. I nod knowingly and smile back, heading outside.

The cold night air hits me as I walk into the foyer, making me shiver but cooling me perfectly. I stand in the doorway, looking out to the gardens, looking up at the night sky. I take a deep breath in and go to turn around when I bump straight into the chest of who else but Draco Malfoy. His crisp white dress shirt and tie are a nice contrast on him compared to his generally black demeanour.

"Watch it, Goody Goody," he sneers. I fold my arms over my chest. "Thought you would have had enough of the night sky given that ridiculous dress."

"My last name is 'Good' for one thing, Malfoy, and I happen to like the night sky, thank you," I say, going to push past him.

"Date escaped your clutches? Wouldn't be the first time you've been ditched by a date now would it Goody?" he teases.

"Scram, Malfoy, I don't see your date around either."

"Well at least mines not a last resort or just another conquest. Some of us are civil, you know?" he challenges.

"Harry Potter is not a conquest I'll have you know. And you say that like I triumph over him in some way or dominate him or own him like a pet. Harry Potter is nothing of the sort," I defend my friend.

"A) you said it, not me and B), not from what I saw tonight. That boy is nothing but a bug to be crushed. You'll see in the next task. You know, me and my father have a bet going on how long he'll last, want to cash in?"

"Grow a pair, Malfoy." I whisper harshly, whipping past him into the warmth of the foyer.

"Gladly!" he calls down the hall as I rush up the stairs to my room, furious at his misjudgement and mention of my romantic past.

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