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4pm rolls around sooner than I expect, and I am a bundle of terrified nerves. Do I need to change what I'm wearing? Why do I suddenly care what he sees me in? Why is this an issue all of a sudden?

I settle on my regular school clothes which I choose not to change out of, and take off my robe, leaving me in just my skirt and school sweater. I change it for my Slytherin one which is a bit more causal and scoop my hair up into a ponytail. I turn to look at myself in the mirror and am fairly okay with my appearance, opting to simply settle for mediocracy over trying too hard, it is just for a potions project. I shrug and push my glasses up the bridge of my nose, scrunching it out of habit at myself. I still have plenty of time before I have to meet Draco, so I decide to try and get some extra work done for transfiguration class.

I open my textbook and notes, sprawling out on my bed, trying desperately to focus on something other than my twisting insides. Given that it's only been a day since my sudden realisation of feelings for Draco, I surely shouldn't be so uptight about having to be alone with him, but somehow, I am. I suppose it's clear that he doesn't feel the same given his proximity to Pansy, so I do my best to suppress the feelings bubbling in my chest.

Before I know it, I glance up at the clock and see it read 4:35. I gasp at my negligence and jump up, rushing to put my school shoes back on and rush out into the corridor. I speed-walk to the other side of the school and stumble my way down the stairs of the North Stairway. Just as I get to the bottom, I catch a glimpse of white-blonde hair and slow my pace, trying my best to appear casual and collected when I get to Draco.

"You're late, also another pattern of yours?" Draco teases. He leans against the stone walls of the doorframe, mindlessly picking at his fingernails. He pushes himself off and steps towards me. The emptiness of the stairwell and the hollow stone structure makes his voice echo gently, sending shivers up my spine.

"Lets just go," I offer, pushing past him to walk through the door. Instantly, the cool breeze of the Autumn air hits me, making me shiver once again. He follows me out, closing the door behind him, shoving his hands in his pockets, swaying in expectance.

"I'm assuming you know where to find moondew or you wouldn't have suggested the forest," I say.

"I wouldn't have a clue, actually. Thought it'd be good to head in that direction," he shrugs, his smugness annoying me slightly. I roll my eyes but can't help but feel a heightened sense of nerves at not only being alone with him, but having to be alone, and lost in the depths of the forbidden forest with him, too. I never stray from the paths set surrounding the walls of foliage, no matter how they may tempt me. I can be as tolerable of any person's fear, but my fear of becoming lost plagues me deeply.

Still, I strive to maintain my calm and focused demeanour to save myself from further embarrassment which seems to follow me wherever I go when Draco is concerned.

We begin to walk away from the school grounds, out down the safety of grass and onto the thinning, dirt path to the trees edge. I pause slightly as Draco goes ahead and walks straight in.

"Well you're not going to find any moondew out there, are you Good?" he teases. In an attempt to swallow my fears, I step off the path and into the uncertain, green twists of the forbidden forest. Draco watches me as I do so, lingering when I catch up to him, eyes glistening with what I interpret as both amusement and impatience. I blush and walk slightly ahead of him, ignoring the growing awkward silence until Draco speaks up.

"You seemed to be in a bit of a rush last night, didn't you, Good?" I stop in my tracks, utterly ashamed.

"It didn't seem like my place."

"And why not? Slytherin common room is for all Slytherins. That does include you, doesn't it Good?" he continues to prod me.

"I meant it seemed private," I say, avoiding disclosing anything more than that.

"How so?" he taunts, as if begging me to say it.

"Well, you and Pansy are clearly close..." I continue, the awkwardness of the moment deeply unsettling me.

"Pansy and I aren't like that," he shoves his hands in his pockets, as if finding solace there.

"Well, she's like that," I mention.

"And you aren't?" he teases, stopping fully in his tracks, staring me directly in the eyes.

"That's not fair, Malfoy," I say quietly.

"And how so?"

"Well Pansy is after you of course, she has been for years."

"Again – and you aren't?" he shrugs.

"Wh-what?" I stutter, stunned by his words.

"You're not after me?" he says smugly.

"What could possibly make you think that?" I struggle to redeem myself.

"I have my inklings," he smirks, cocking his head to one side as he stares at me amusedly, as if begging for me to admit it. My stomach churns.

"And I have my wits, Malfoy."

"Well that's too bad, they seem to be failing you a bit," he says, stepping towards me slowly. My breath hitches in my chest as he inches closer, but my feet refuse to move me away. Draco stands directly before me, obviously aware of the power he holds over me in this moment.

"D-Draco-" I stutter, trembling at his proximity. He inches even closer, his hand brushing against the hem of my robe sleeve. He leans closely to my ear, so I can feel his breath against my cheek.

"It seems your wits have failed you again... Naomi," He whispers slowly. My heart races as I feel his hand slowly draw its way up from my wrist to my forearm, snaking its way up my upper arm and resting on my shoulder, brushing a stray piece of hair which has fallen from my ponytail back over my shoulder. I shudder from the gentle feeling, and tremble at the sound of my name, rolling off his tongue. I turn my head to meet his grey eyes which are soft and tempting. I glance down quickly at his blushing, pink lips and hold my breath before flicking back up to his eyes.

Draco's eyes search mine for a moment, as if asking for permission before he smirks slightly, shaking his head.

"I think I know you a little better than you do, Good," he chuckles. My stomach flips yet again, and I can't control myself anymore. I bring my hands up to cup his cheeks and press my lips securely on his, shocking myself and him.

Draco pulls back almost instantly, smiles at me and looks deeply into my eyes before shaking his head again, and placing his lips softly back on mine.

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