Ch. 1

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It was around 6 am when 18-year-old Asuna Yuuki walked down her stares and entered the kitchen. Her mother Kyouko was already sitting at the table sipping her coffee and looking at something on her tablet, "Good morning Asuna." Her mother said after glancing up to see who entered the room.

"Good morning mother." Asuna said, disliking how formal she had to be in her own home.

"I saw you have a few days off from school this upcoming week."

Asuna looked puzzled at her mother as she took a seat in front of her, "Yes, I do? Is there something wrong?" Asuna asked confused why her mother was talking to her about her short break.

"That's good. I will schedule your meetings."

Asuna paused her eating at her mother's words. She got a sinking feeling as she asked, "Meetings, mother?"

"Yes, for your suitors. I have a few boys who would like to meet you."

"Mother I thought we had discussed this already. I will choose who I marry." Asuna said trying to hold back her rising anger at her mother's yet again, disregard for Asuna's opinion.

Kyouko glanced up at her daughter before looking back down, "And I agreed that you did need to have more of a choice. I, however, still plan to have you meet a certain set of young men."

Asuna clenched her fists, "Certain set of men?" Around this time Asuna's father Shouzou, entered the room.

"Yes Asuna. I understand that you wanted to stay at that second-rate school so you could be with your friends and I accepted because your grades have been so good. I will not however, tolerate you being around that boy." Kyouko sighed irritably.

Asuna also let out an irritated sigh, "Mother you've already had a background check on him and that was clean. What else does he have to do that..."

"He doesn't have to do anything." Kyouko interrupted, "That boy is simply not good enough for someone of your status."

"His name is Kazuto." Asuna all but growled.

Kyouko looked at her daughter confused, "Excuse me?"

"His name is Kazuto, Mother. Not 'that boy'."

Kyouko rolled her eyes, "I frankly don't care about his name, nor do I think I should I spend time learning a name I have no intention to hear again. That boy is no better than Kayaba or Suguo."

Asuna stood up so fast she knocked over her chair and she slammed her hands onto the table. This caused her glass to fall over and some food to come of her plate. Kyouko looked up at her daughter stunned, "Don't you ever. EVER. Let that sentence come out of your mouth again. How dare you compare Kirito to those people! To !"

At this point angry tears were falling from Asuna's eyes and her mother was shocked. Her father watched what was unfolding knowing full well what his wife had just done, "Now Asuna, calm down I know you don't like hearing their names, but this is a bit of an overreaction." Her mother said standing up as well.

"AN OVERREACTION!" Asuna screamed, "I frankly don't give a dam about how you see my reaction! You were completely in the wrong!"

Kyouko quickly rounded the table and stood in front of her daughter, "Excuse me! First of how dare you use that language and secondly I am not wrong I am trying to do what is best for you and it is definitely not some third-rate orphan who is obsessed with these dammed virtual games!"

Asuna lost all emotion, however tears still spilled from her eyes, "I'm done."

Kyouko looked at her daughter confused by her words, "Done with what?"

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