Ch. 14

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Early the next morning Yui ran into her parents' room and jumped on them, "Mommy! Daddy wake up!" Asuna woke up first and began laughing at her excited daughter. While Kirito was trying to hold onto his sleep. Yui didn't like that, "Daddy! Wake up! Please you said we get to go somewhere today." Kirito groaned and rolled over onto his back causing Yui to move. She stared down at her father from her spot on her knees between her parents.

Asuna leaned over and whispered teasingly into his ear, "If you don't get up, I won't let you eat my breakfast."

That got him to open his eyes, "I'm up. I'm up."

Yui giggled, "Mommy's the best."

Asuna laughed with her, "Thank you Yui, but you have to get down so we can get up and get ready." Yui nodded and slowly got off the bed. Her parents slowly joined her. Remaining in their sleepwear they all headed for the kitchen. They entered the kitchen and noticed Sugu sitting at the table with a hot drink.

"Aunt Sugu, good morning!" The woman looked up to see her brother and his family in the doorway. Yui was basically standing beside her by the time she had noticed them.

She looked at her niece, "Morning Yui, sleep well?" Yui nodded and got into the seat beside her.

Yui and Sugu talked about a little of everything while her parents cooked. It took about an hour, but they finally finished cooking breakfast and they all ate. The small family got ready and headed out.

"Mommy where are we going?" Yui questioned as she looked around the unfamiliar area.

Asuna smiled down at the young girl holding her hand, "We're taking you to the park. The doctor said you need to get some fresh air and exercise and we thought you'd like the park." Yui began bouncing as she walked very eager to get to their destination. They walked for a few minutes before coming to the park's entrance. The park was very large and had many trees, a pond, playground, picnic tables and benches. That was what they could all see from the park's entrance.

They walk in and notice there are quite a few kids playing around the playground and in the sandboxes. Kirito looks at Yui, "Why don't you go play Yui?" Yui looks up at her Dad and nods she quickly runs over to the playset and climbs up it. Kirito and Asuna find a bench not far from where their standing to sit on. They set there for half an hour when a woman around her mid-thirties walk up.

"Hello there." The woman greets.

The pair look up at her from their spot on the bench, "Hello Mam." Kirito says looking at the woman, "Can we help you with something?"

The woman shook her head and looked at the playground, "I just noticed you two with the young girl with long hair earlier and just wanted to say hello. I bring my daughter here quite often and I see a lot of the same faces. I just wanted to meet the newcomers. Are you babysitting?" The woman asked looking back at the pair.

Asuna gave a sweet smile hiding her irritation at the woman's comment, "No we're watching our daughter. She's been recovering in the hospital for a while and today is her first day out."

The woman looked at Asuna shocked but quickly hid it with a smile, "Oh I didn't realize you are her parents. You don't look that old."

Kirito also getting irritated with the woman spoke up, "I don't think our ages are a concern here." The woman oblivious to their irritation, kept talking.

"I suppose it doesn't, but normally young people don't seem to care about their children."

Asuna eyebrow twitched in anger, "Well I can assure you we care very much for our daughter and do everything we can to take proper care of her." The woman gave them a skeptical once over before smiling politely, saying her goodbyes and leaving them alone.

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