Ch. 10

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Asuna walked back into the kitchen and smiled at the two-favorite people, "Is breakfast ready?"

Yui looked at her mom from the table and smiled, "Yes! I helped so much. It will be great!"

"I bet, how about you help me tomorrow too."

Yui's eyes sparkled in excitement, "Can I?"

"Of, course. Now come on let's eat. We have to get to the hospital soon."

Kirito came around the corner with the rest of the food. Looking at Asuna, "Did your Dad say he was coming?"

"Yes, he also offered to help us find a car."

Kirito smiled as he set down beside her, "Well that's good."

"Yea, I'm happy. Oh, we also need to go to the school right after we leave the hospital. The teachers are only there until noon, but they agreed to meet with us."

"Good, but what are we going to do with Yui while we're in the meeting." Kirito paused to eat some food, "We should probably take her birth certificate too."

Asuna nodded swallowing, "Yea, this is a bit of an odd situation, be nice to have proof."

"Can I have some more?" Yui asked catching her parents' attention. They looked at her plate to see she had eaten everything and smiled.

"Of course you can, you are very hungry today." Yui nodded and Kirito grabbed her plate and walked back into the kitchen. Bringing back a half-full plate he set it down in front of her, "Here you go, if you eat all this and you're still hungry I'll get you some more."

"Ok, Daddy!" Yui quickly began eating again. The parents smiled at her then they heard a knock at the door.

"That's probably Dad I'll go let him in." Asuna got up and went to the front door.

She opened it and saw her dad on the other side, "Hey Dad."

He smiled, "Hey, are you guys ready?"

"We were actually eating, Yui seems to have gotten a better appetite."

"That's a good thing, she does need the nutrition." Asuna and Shouzou walked into the kitchen.

"Grandpa! You're here!" Shouzou smiled hugging Yui after he set down beside her.

Asuna set back down beside Kirito, "Thank you for taking us."

Shouzou looked at Kirito, "It's no problem anything to help Yui get better. I also made a call on the way over. I know someone who is selling their car. It's not new or anything but it's a nice car and still has a few years on it. I think it would be a great first car for you Asuna. You do need to get your license though."

Asuna nodded getting up to take her and Kirito's plates to the sink, "I know, I planned on going within the next week. Kirito doesn't need to be the only one with it. Plus, I need to be able to take Yui places if Kirito's busy."

Shouzou nodded, "We can go after Yui gets done."

Asuna came around the end of the counter, "Oh yea, we have to go to the school first, we are meeting with our teachers to see how we are going to handle the last semester and a half. And see if we can get Yui into the school too. She hasn't had any formal education up until now and I know she is supposed to start school next year, but I'd feel better if she got some type of education."

Shouzou nodded in understanding, "I can take you guys to the school and watch Yui for you two while you're in the meeting. And you can always come get me if you need too."

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