Ch. 1 The Invitation

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In the desert forest of Kenya, a black mamba slithered across the dirt leaving a blood trail in its wake. The sun, high in the sky showing no mercy towards the injured serpent. Eagles circled in the sky, ready to feast on the mamba as soon as it loses mobility. Nature really is cruel…. But a particular Addams isn't. 

          A hook distracted the mamba and surprisingly pale hand grabbed it. The mamba thrashed and struck but the person handling it stayed calm. She quickly dropped the snake into a breathable enclosure and hopped on a jeep. Her large beige hat and black lace shemagh obscuring her eyes and hair from the view. 

         As they entered a reptile care centre, the girl set up to treat the mamba. 

"Malinda, our star! I heard you brought in an injured Mamba?" A man entered the treatment room. The girl referred to as Malinda removed her hat scarf from her head. Unusual pale skin shone contrasting her jet black hair and eyes.

"Yes, Mr. Kwame, it's a Dendroaspis polylepis, terribly injured." Malinda said, washing her hands. "I'm preparing for surgery." 

"What's the situation?" Mr. Kwame asked. Malinda put on some gloves and brought the snake out and placed it on the operation table, "crushed abdominal ribs due to an abdominal wound, possibly happened during an attack. Severed by a claw. Much blood has already been lost. Losing consciousness rapidly."

"Alright, begin the procedure, I'll let you handle this." 

          Mr. Kwame left the room as Malinda injected the mamba with an anesthetic. 

"Mr. Kwame, you're letting Miss Addams perform the surgery by herself, again?" Asked a woman dresses in a uniform. 

"Yes, why?" 

"Well, she's not a certified veterinary yet. We could get shut down if the authorities found out." 

"Oh nonsense, she's already given the exam. The results are only a month away, Malinda will definitely pass. No doubt." 

"Of course, but… . Don't you think she's a bit strange?" 

"Strange?.. "

They both look through the small round window of the operation room. 

"Alright, I'm going to fix you real soon… . .oh don't worry, you won't feel a thing. I've already sedated you… .. What? You're scared? Cuz you think you might die??..Oh no it's … " They hear Malinda speak. 

"See.. She's talking to an unconscious snake. Like legit talking as if having a conversation…  don't you think that's weird, kinda psychotic?"

"Brenda, you're being overly critical. As long as she's doing her job brilliantly and putting our care centre on the map of the big shots, I don't care if she's strange or weird. And you'd do better to leave her be."

          As Mr. Kwame left, a few nurses joined outside the operation room whispering amongst themselves.

"Again? He's letting her do the surgery by herself?"

"Hmm that's cuz she's his favorite."

"No it's cuz she's a freak."

"Yeah, I heard she has been bitten by the most venomous snakes on earth, and yet survived!".

"Bites don't affect her at all."

"Really? Is she a witch?"

"She very well could be one.. Have you seen her skin?"

"Yeah.. Soo pale..For a person to still look this pale and not be affected by the Kenya sun after so many years, is absurd." 

"How many years has she even been here?"

"..... "

"But a witch in today's day and age?" 

"You never know.. What mystical shit goes down in the world."


          Two hours and forty minutes later Malinda left the operation room and gave her report on the surgery to the head of the reptile care centre- Mr. Kwame. 

"Great job Malinda. You can take your leave for the day. Oh and stop by the lockers, I heard you have a post. Good day."

Malinda packed her stuff and headed to the lockers, she found a letter addressed to her in dark calligraphy- the Addams family crest embedded on the red seal. It was the second letter she had received from her family this year, after they had finally found her location. Sitting herself down at a bench in the locker room she broke opened the seal. Out came a wedding invitation–

"Dearest Sister, 

We cordially invite you to join us on this joyous occasion of the ghastly union of Fester Addams and Nanny Dementia!"


So that is the first chapter, I hope that you all like it! 

I know it's a little late but... In the spirit of Halloween! 

We celebrate the Addams Family! (Click click) 

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