Ch 2. An Uncomfortable Journey.

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"Flight QW 266 is ready for boarding. All passengers please prepare for boarding."

Came in the announcement. Malinda grabbed her coat and got on the plane. As the directions for safety were being announced, a middle aged man sat next to Malinda. He smiled when he saw Malinda, and she already disliked him. 

"Hello there missy." He said. 

Malinda just looked at him and rolled her eyes. 

It's going to be a long flight.. 

She sighed. 

The dirty man tried to make conversation with Malinda, but she kept ignoring him. 
Around dinner time the stewardess rolled a trolly. "What would you like to have Miss?"

"Do you have thawed pinkies?" 

"Uhhh... no miss." 

"Cherry caterpillars?"

"No.. "

"Dried bees?" 

"No... "

"I see... A chicken salad will suffice." 

"Anything else, miss?"

"Hmm... how about Grape blood..?" 



"Oh yes. Red or white?"


The stewardess gave her a weird look and served her order along with a glass of red wine. "Weird girl." She whispered but Malinda heard it clearly. 

"Haha, got an exotic taste?" The irritating man next to her asked. 

"Not really." 

"Hahaha I remember when I was young, I too had exotic tastes, wanted to eat all sorts of things. Large burgers, sushi, swordfish.." And the man continued talking. 

Malinda sighed but an idea struck her. She dug through her robes and brought out a veil filled with dark purple liquid. A mischievous smile swept across her face and she turned to the man with a sarcastic smile...

"Mister.. Would you help me out? Please check on my pet snake under your seat, if it's still eating it's rat?" The man looked at her puzzled. Malinda innocently smiled and encouraged him to bend over and look under his seat. 

The man did, and Malinda poured a few drops into his drink. 

The man turned back to her. "There's no snake down there."

"Oh you're so funny Sir. A snake inside the passenger area. Very funny." 

"Ahahahaa... yes yes. I'm so funny. You like funny, little miss?" 

"Why don't we finish our drinks. Here... cheers." 

"Ah ah yes yes cheers." 

As soon as the man finishes the drink he smiled with ill intent. And Malinda with smugness. She picked up her veil and hid it away again. 

"What's that little miss?"

"Poison." Malinda said with a straight face. 

"Ahahaha... you're very funny too little miss."

"That wasn't a joke, fatuous mister." 

A look of disbelief came over the man. 

"But... But.. How did you get it inside the flight?"

Malinda put a finger to her lips and gave and smiled which came out unintentionally creepy, "shhh".

Before the man could panic he was knocked unconscious. 

Malinda looked content. "And now I shall finish my meal in eerie silence." 


          A few hours later, everyone in the flight was asleep but Malinda couldn't fall asleep yet. Tossing and turning while the man next to her still snored loudly. 

She'd requested an attendant and the same lady from before came. 

"Yes miss, how may I help you?"

"Where is the single opening cave I had requested in special treatment?"

"Umm.. I'm sorry ma'am but we're not allowed any kind of caves on board." She said giving Malinda a slightly sarcastic smile. Malinda didn't like it. 

"How about another blanket?" 

"Sorry we don't provide extras."

Malinda pursed her lips in disappointment. 

"Is that all?" 

Malinda waved her away. 

Tsk... I wonder how my babies are doing. 

Unable to sleep Malinda left her seat, sticking to the extremely narrow shadows surprisingly, she made her way to the back. She saw most of the stewards and hostess' asleep. The two that were up, were on the other end of the aisle. 

Quickly slipped behind the curtains, Malinda found what she was looking for. She crouched down, and brought out a tool from her hair. Sharp and just right to pry open the trap door on the floor. Walking between wires and huge systems she found her way to another door which she also unlocked without difficulty. Climbing down she found her way to the luggage storage. Finding her bags, she checked on the breathable containers that contained multiple snakes. 

"It's warm here isn't it? Perfectly 82°C. Hope you're all comfortable."

The snakes hiss back. 

"Great." Malinda yawned. "Let's sleep then. Tomorrow will be a long day." With that she curled next to her snake bins and dozed off. 


Hello again! 

So we get to see Melinda's slightly off beat behaviour.. 

What do you think? Is she charming, just a little strange or creepy?? 

Let me know in the comments if you guys like. And also vote on the story/chapter if you like it! 

Have a great week! 

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