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  "Why are you even talking to me?" You answered the question with a shrug.

  "Well can you just leave me alone now?" The blue-haired stranger said to you. His red eyes glared at you and his chapped lips turned down in a scowl. At this point, you were honestly a little afraid of him, so you decided to stand from your place on the bench.

  "Sorry I bothered you." You gave a polite bow and turned to walk back in the direction of your apartment. You checked the time on your phone again and saw it was now 4 A.M. which meant you have been out for an hour. Sighing, you shot a glace back at the man on the bench only to find out he was no longer there.

  "Huh? Where'd he go?" Did he have a teleportation quirk? There was no way that he could have disappeared so suddenly after you walked away. Did he go inside the store? Questions plagued your tired mind, but you tried to ignore them as you sped up your pace, now honestly quite scared something bad might happen.

  "I never got your name." It was the man's voice! But.. where was it coming from? You turned around once again and stood face-to-face with him. "Just so you know, my quirk makes it to where you can't hurt me physically, if you pull out a knife or anything and try to stab me.. I can just get up and walk away."

  You took a step back, trying to put some distance between yourself and the stranger, but he stepped forward. "Hey, hey I'm not trying anything weird, but are you a hero by any chance?"

  "Didn't you just tell me to leave you alone? You're kinda creeping me out." Even though he was being weird, you were still intrigued by the question. "But to answer your question, I'm not a hero."

  The man smiled, showing his teeth. "I have a group-" You cut him off.

  "Look I'm not interested in cults or anything. I know there's a lot of those popping up these days and-"

   "It's political, anti-hero stuff. Sound like anything you stand for?" Was that fancy wording for a group of villians? You were never interested in villians or doing harm to anyone, but you weren't exactly pro-hero either, you were pretty neutral when it came to superhuman politics.

  "I guess so. This is still kinda weird though." You laughed out of nervousness, looking away from the man in front of you. "My name's Shigaraki. You mentioned your quirk earlier, it seems pretty strong."

   "That's what most people say, but I can still feel pain, I just don't bleed or bruise, things like that." A gust of strong wind overcame the both of you. The more you talked to Shigaraki, the more you felt his intentions were genuine. The creeping feeling he gave you in your stomach just minutes earlier was gone, and you were now interested in his aforementioned 'group'.

  "My name is Y/N. Shigaraki, be honest with me, are you a villian?" The question made him laugh, the laugh sounded scratchy, like it hurt him as it came out.

  "You catch on pretty fast, Y/N. To put it bluntly.. yes." An awkward silence filled the early morning air. Of course you ran into a villian on your walk, that just so happened to be your luck. You weren't scared or even worried about telling authorities, but interested in his cause.

  "You got me interested, Shigaraki. Is there somewhere we could talk more about this? I don't think it's very safe to do in public, even at this hour." You watched as his eyes opened wide in shock. How had he recruited a new member so easily? Normally he would have needed to reach out to already established villians, but he got lucky with a cute girl who happened to be out for a walk.

  "We have a place we hold meetings and stay at, I can take you there." Even though deep down you knew better, you knew how sketchy the situation was, and you knew how your life could be ruined if you were found out, you decided to let Shigaraki lead the way to this 'place'.

  The blue-haired man turned around and started walking in the direction you just came from. The longer you trailed behind him, the more nervous you got. You felt as if an angel and devil were on each of your shoulders like in the old-school cartoons.

  Your tiny angel-self was telling you to not get involved in this obviously dangerous situation. She was practically screaming at you to turn around and make a run for it, but your devil-self was winning.

  You were young, so naturally danger was exciting. Following a stranger at 4 in the morning to an unknown place was intoxicating you with ideas of new experiences, and maybe an even a new way of life. The fact you were automatically drawn to this man wasn't helping either.

  Soon, you and Shigaraki arrived in front of an old, run-down bar. "This is it?" You asked. "It's ugly, I know, but us villians have to make do." You watched as he reached out to open the door to the bar. The way he grabbed the doorknob was just as he held the 3DS earlier, pinky out.

  "Why do you do that thing with your pinky?"

  "Because of my quirk. Come in." You followed Shigaraki into the dingy building and looked around. It was a small space that occupied 6 people. Why were they all awake at this hour? It was probably around 5 in the morning by now.

  "Who's that?" A man with purple skin asked. He was leaning against the wall furthest from the entrance with his arms crossed. His appearance made you stare. A lot of his skin seemed to be burnt and held together by surgical staples. He stood about 5'9 and was fairly skinny.

  "Yeah, who's this, Shiggy?" You turned your attention from the man to a teenage girl. She was blonde and had her hair up in 2 buns. She wore what appeared to be a high-school uniform. 

  "Shigaraki.." You said, your voice shaky. The presence of a teenager made you feel uneasy. "Dabi, Toga, Spinner, Twice, Atsuhiro, and Kurogiri." Shigaraki had ignored your nervousness and named each of the 6 people in the bar.

  Dabi was the one with the burns, Toga was the blonde, Spinner seemed to have a lizard mutation, Atsuhiro was wearing a mask and coat, and Kurogiri stood behind the bar's counter. All of these people definitely all had a villian look to them.

  Shigaraki motioned toward you with his arm.

  "This is Y/N, everyone. She is interested in joining the League of Villians."

𝐇𝐎𝐖? ~ t.shigarakiWhere stories live. Discover now