10. minigolf

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"Morning little heathen" annas sister mary said watching me come down the stairs

"Morning" i slipped on my sneakers

"Where are you off too?" She asked

"Going to see my friends were doing minigolf" i put my purse across my body trying to keep from chewing

"Faith likes minigolf dont you faith?" Her mother smiled

Faith looked me up and down "will there be boys?"

I stiffened hearing my father come into the room "no, no there will not be boys" just 1 boy not plural

"Have a good day darling ill see you tonight" my father smiled walking out of the kitchen

"How is your mom by the way? Been to her grave lately?" Faith asked tilting her head smiling at me

I clenched my jaw "no not lately" i turned around

"Im going with you" faith stood up grabbing her jacket

"Sorry i dont remember offering an invite" I stared at her

"You didnt have to, mom tell her to let me come" faith crossed her arms

"Please sweetie, itll give you 2 a chance to bond, talk about boys or do makeup or something" she paused "just dont come home looking like one of them hootchies okay?"

I clenched my jaw going toward the door "dont not tell my father about this" i snapped seeing arvins car up ahead

"Thought you said no boys" she snapped back checking her lipstick in the compact she had in her purse

"I said no boys, this isnt plural theres one" i opened the passenger door 'im so sorry' i mouthed to leonora and arvin

Faith got in the backseat "nice to meet you" she held out her hand to arvin who shook it "faith"

"Arvin" he started the car


"Oh my god this wind mill owns my ass" i said swinging at the golf ball as hard as and missing making arvin laugh

"Move your hands up more" he showed me where to put them "there you go now try"

I swung hard again watching it hit off the windmill and go into water, i sighed "A for effort" arvin high fived me

"Can we go yet?" Faith groaned

"You didnt have to come" i rolled my eyes linking arms with leonora as we walked

"Yeah i did we leave tonight and i know my mom wouldnt shut up about it"

"You do?" I sounded a little to excited, i cleared my throat "i mean you do?"

Arvin opened the door to the restaurant "try not to sound so happy" faith said sarcastically walking in

"Thank you" leonora and i both said sliding into a table faith had sat at, arvin and faith both got iced teas, leonora and i both got cokes

"So what do you guys do around here?" Faith asked

Arvin took the lemon off the side of his glass handing it to me "same as most towns i guess" he took a sip of his drink

"Highly highly doubted adam" arvin sighed giving up on correcting her faith stood up "excuse me"

"Im sorry" i said watching faith walk toward the bathroom

"I love you thank you for not being like... well that" leonora said taking my hands in hers

I laughed "no problem, i really am sorry though, shes a handful to say the least"

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