14. blanks

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a horn honked and arvin started walking me in tow "i have a bad feeling" i mumbled

"Im not going to let anything bad happen okay?" He mumbled back giving my hand a reassuring squeeze

"Morning" arvin bent down to the window

"Where you two headed?" A man asked

"Meade ohio, you heard of it?" Arvin asked

"Paper mill town right?"

Arvin nodded "yeah thats right"

The man looked at the blonde woman driving then back at arvin "were passing right through it"

Arvin and i both got in the car i fought to keep my eyes open, "what you two goin to meade for?" The man asked

"Just visiting" arvin answered looking down at me as i took a long blink

"Got family there?" The blonde woman asked

"No i used to live there a long time ago" arvin took off his hat running a hand through his hair

"Well it probably aint changed much little towns never do" the man said, arvin put his arm behind me trying to make me more comfortable

"Where is it yall live?" Arvin asked

"In Chesterfield" the man answered "were headed up to Chicago Illinois" he put a cigar in his mouth "we like picking up strangers along the way dont we? Meet new people dont we hon?"

"Sure do" the lady sounded disinterested in the conversation

Arvin looked at both of them, I put my arm in arvins jacket around his back "you cold?" The man asked

I shook my head "no" i mumbled

"Oh shit my old billy dont work like it used too" the man kindve laughed "im gonna have to..." the man sighed "pull over and take a leak somewhere here" the guy looked back at arvin "that all right by you two"

He nodded "sure..." i was fully awake now, i didnt like this

"There should be a road somewhere up here on the right"

"Here?" The woman asked

"Nope little further" he paused "little further, slow down, turn in right here" the blonde lady turned "this is good"

I think arvin was feeling it too he had a stronger grip around me and looked behind us, we pulled into this field type thing

"Yeah this'll work" the man opened his door standing up "i wont be long"

I kept a straight face when i seen the gun but i held onto arvin a bit tighter now, arvin rolled down his window glancing out anxiously, the blonde woman opened a box of matches lighting her cigarette as arvin watched

The man put his arms on arvins window making me jump "didnt mean to scare ya" he smiled at me "man is that going to be one fine sunset, you have to be patient with me well i get a few shots off"

Arvin glanced at him looking back at the blonde lady "hon give me the key" the blonde lady handed him over the key "dont you worry none we got some hooch in the back and...well sandys good company" the man winked at her

Now i know arvin felt it, arvin smiled at sandy then reached into his back pocket when her head was turned and moved the gun

The man took the gun from his back, arvin pressed his deeper into his side "tell you what son, why dont you ste-" arvin blocked me and kicked open the door firing the gun twice

He looked over me making sure i was okay his breathing hard, "shit!" Sandy said fussing with her purse, arvin sat up straighter so i was behind him

They both pointed guns at each other "no no no calm down please!" Sandy said her gun shaking

"I dont wanna shoot you put the gun down" arvin said "i dont want to shoot you"

Sandy shook her head "im sorry im so sorry"

They shot at the same time, arvin went back shaking, i wanted to scream, hes okay, hes okay, seconds felt like hours in this momment, i opened the door both of us falling out, arvin patted his chest, i looked over him too "b-blanks" i stuttered staring at arvin

He put his arm around me "your okay?" He asked panting

"Im okay" i sucked in a deep breath "your okay?"

"Im okay...Remind me to listen to you always" he swallowed hard

I nodded "good plan" i closed my eyes pressing my forehead against his

Arvin stood up and helped me up, we walked over to the mans body and he checked his pockets finding a wallet, he opened it and pulled out a picture

"A-always listen to me, you have to promise" i stared wide eyed at the picture

"I promise" arvin said also wide eyed

He put the wallet down and stood up fumbling with the ladies purse then the dash board, he put the bag over his shoulder "your still here?" He asked

"Again...maybe im satan" i said sarcastically

Arvin took my hand "well lets go satan weve got a while ahead of us"

I went to his side "their going to make a film about us someday" i said looking at him

"Yeah?" He asked still slightly out of breath

I sighed and nodded "yeah"


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