[~fuck i cant see ~]

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no ones POV

Ounce they sat down and talked for a little while the game double dog dare came up because of osamu and atsumu arguing and then them making a bet , the game all started with petty things like yelling or something physical but then the flash light went out "i cant see" atsumu whined but osamu took  advantage of this situation "atsumu i double dog dare you to walk around the whole building with no light" osamu had an evil grin on his face "or are you to much of a chicken to do it" he said taunting "WHAT I'M NOT CHICKEN I'L SHOW YOU" atsumu yelled and then ran off into the dark abyss.

Sakusa's POV

i was honestly worried to atsumu it was pitch black and we dont know if theres anybody else hear who knows what could happen. As time passed Atsumu still hasnt come back so i got up to go look for him and tryed to walk off but some one grabed my wrist 

No Ones POV

osamu grabbed sakusa's wrist but sakusa was able to get out of the grey haired boys firm grip "where are you going?" komori asked  sakusa scofed and turned to go away "AT LEAST TAKE A LIGHT WITH YOU" komori yelled while running up to him with a lighter and then running back to osamu on the ground " THANKS" sakusa yells back the words echoing through the walls 

atsumu's POV

why the fuck did i agree to this I was in the dark all alone knowing full well im afraid of the dark I didn't even take a light with me damn you osamu "THANKS" I heard the words echo around me and I was scared out of the lords shit I couldn't make out the voice but i dont think it was one of the others so what did I do?, I ran like who wouldnt when they herd a loud voice in a abandon hospital then I heard my name be yelled and footsteps close to me so I ran faster then..

i triped-

over a rock. welp i was nice living tell my mom i love her

sakusa's POV

I was so confused on why i was so worried about  atsumu like we were kida friends but nothing other then that. he would be annoying at times but i got used to it but what was going on then I burned my finger with the lighter now I'am just in the darkness now i feel even worst for atsumu he didn't even have a light so i started to walk faster then I yelled his name "ATSUMU" again i heard the words echo through the building . still no answer so i started to jog  though the hallways then I heard a thump 

a thump?

I ran a little more and right infront of my was atsumu on the floor?  he was probably the thump noise i heard a few seconds ago "atsumu why are you on the floor its disgusting" I said with a glare he looked up at me and seemed relieved that it was me. Ounce he got up he hugged me it looked like he was on the virge of tears " atsumu are you okay!? what happend??" I went into mother mode i swear sugawara would be proud "no-nothing hap-pend im just kinda scared o-of the dark" he said stuttering a bit "well lets walk back to the others and i have a light so we dont get lost "thanks a lot omi-omi"  sakusa didnt mind the nickname at this time

then they started to walk back to the others holding hands.  

Exploration of the hospital [sakuatsu]Where stories live. Discover now