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 The two turned a corner and atsumu quickly saw a large bush so he grabbed kimori and the two ducked into the bush . hands over their mouths not daring to make a noise , they heard the footsteps of the police coming closer and closer to where they were then the police.....


then the police... kept going they didnt see or here kimori and atsumu, they thought the two kept going ahead the two let out sigh's or relief, the two sat there for a little bit in the quiet until kimori spoke up "nice quick thinking there if you hadn't grabbed me and went to the bush we would have been dead meat so thank you" kimori looked at atsumu and smilled then atsumu smilled back

~after a few minutes~

"hey i think we can start trying to get back to the roads kimori said to atsumu taking out his phone "shoot my phone is dead what about yours?" atsumu reached into his pocket but didnt feel anything he then looked over to kimori eyes filled with worry when kimori saw atsumu's distress he got nervous "i-i think it feel out of my pocket when we were being chased" "well then lets go down the path and see if you phone is still there . The two stood upa dn started to walk back with caution in case the police were still there.

[With Sakusa and Suna]

the two just reached the street that they were on before this mess the too looked at eachother and gave a thumbs up then sat on the curb " we fuckin made i my guy were not gonna get arrested" suna said "ya thank god" sakusa said taking out his phone to text atsumu to see if he was safe "do we have any cash in the bag im gonna get some food for us over there, suna points at a small convenience store across the street. "ya let me check" sakusa opened the backpack that suna was carrying the whole time ,sakusa trew a wad of cash at suna "thanks" then suna got up and walked into the store.

[back with kimori and atsumu]

*ding* atsumus head turned as he heard the notification and walked to the sound , Atsumu saw his phone and picked it up while walking back to kimori "kimori i found my phone!" "oh thank god okay check where we are right now" atsumu looked at his phone "not that far from a small convenience store about 3.5 miles from here" atsumu looked up from his phone "alright witch way do we need to go?" "left" "alright"

[With osamu]

"i think i have waited around long enough that the police will be off my ass" osamu jumped out of the tree and opened his phone and checked which way he needed to get home , he started to walk left with a little pep in his steep so more like jogging because he had to walk almost around 4.8 miles to get to a street that he knew , he was so tired he doesn't do all nighters a lot so he cant stay up for a long time and right now it was 4 in the morning and he was hungry , he was contemplating eating leaves or some random fucking berry's 

[~many minutes latter~]

Atsumu and kimori walked out of the woods a but they wern't able to see anyone so atsumu texted sakusa

🌸Atsuwu 🌸                                                                                                                            Omi-Omi where are you? me and kimori just got out of the forest 

   *ding* sakusa saw the notification on his phone thankful that atsumu got out safe and texted him back 

                                                                                                                   😷Omi-Omi🧼                                        oh thank god your safe me and suna are out already                                                                   

🌸 Atsuwu 🌸                                                                                                                       Okay Omi i'll tell kimori so we can look for you! love ya❤️

 omi blushed when he saw the heart atsumu gave him "ooooooOOOOoooo what are you blushing at lover boy?" it was suna he sat down next to sakusa and read his conversation *gasp* " do you possibly have a crush on  tsumu?" suna looked at sakusa with a cat face sakusa blushed and looked away "well i'll take that as a yes ,i wont tell him" sakusa looked at suna "i ant no snitch and osamu will kill you anyways" the two started eating what ever snacks suna got but then...



oh my fucking god the text part was hard to do i had to keep doing it over and over again to get the right layout so it would make sence >:/

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