[~run bitch~]

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everyone agreed to the idea so it was set they were going to try to break a window with anything they could find mostly rocks and old furniture that was left behind all the boys decided on a medium rock and gave it to sakusa because he was the strongest out of them all

they all gathered around the window and.....


Sakusa chucked the rock at the window and made a huge crack but didn't break the surface so he picked up the rock and threw it again and this time broke the window " HELL YA " atsumu yelled " NOW LETS GET OUT OF THIS HELL HOLE!" suna also yelled walking to the window " w-wait be careful the glass is still sharp!" kimori said stoping suna in his tracks " suna looked dead into kimoris eyes scaring him suna said "do you think i care if i get cut or not i just wanna get out of here" suna looked back at the window and kicked the window for a bigger entrance so he could squeeze his body through the window . Ounce he got out and onto the grass he looked over to the others with a smirk on his face " you guys coming or what? atsumu then walked to the window and was able squeeze through and almost fell in the process but was able to catch himself . Ounce everyone was able to get out osamu only had a cut on his arm , everyone had dust on themselves . They started to try to know their surroundings and get out the way they came from .

A lot of minutes go by and they soon found the side they came through even tho the building was. They were walking to the path they used but then.....

They heard police sirens!?!

all of the boys looked up and saw police lights then started runnings down the path trying not to make a noise 

"who they hell called the cops who even knew we were in there???" suna whispered to sakusa "how would i know but we just need to get out of here!" sakusa whispered, "i'm to young to go to jail!" kimori said to himself "I HEAR EM OVER HERE" "shit,shit,shit,shit" atsumu said running a little faster "everyone split up!" kimori whispered sakusa ran to the left as well as suna ,kimori kept running forward, osamu went to the right while atsumu went next to kimori.

[ With suna and sakusa ]

they were both breathing heavily when the two saw a clearing in the forest they could barely hear the sirens so they stopped running to catch their breaths , the two looked at the way they just came "you think there gonna be okay?" suna asked "hell if i know i wasn't able to see where they went we dont even know where we are right now" sakusa checked his phone to see where they were "it's 4 in the fucking morning and the closest road we are to is like 3 miles from here" "im tired as hell but 3 miles we can walk that" suna said in reply with little hope.

[ with Osamu ]

osamu found a good sized tree and climbed up to a good sturdy branch and sat on it whild catching his breath "why of all people , why does this happen to me,  im in the middle of who knows where and im being chased by the cops" osamu takes out his phone and went onto google maps to check where he was he groaned as he looked down at his phone the ferthes road was 4.5 miles from where he was in the way he just ran he knew he couldnt go that way he would be caught no matter what so he decided to take a break and wait untill he thought the cops were gone so he could make his escape.

[With kimori and atsumu]

"we are not going to jail" kimori said to atsumu still running as fast as they can ,they heard the police behind them but then the two turned a corner and atsumu quickly saw a large bush so he grabbed kimori and the two ducked into the bush . hands over their mouths not daring to make a noise , they heard the footsteps of the police coming closer and closer to where they were then the police.....

Exploration of the hospital [sakuatsu]Where stories live. Discover now