[~fucking around~]

491 19 2

"ooooooOOOOoooo what are you blushing at lover boy?" it was suna he sat down next to sakusa and read his conversation *gasp* " do you possibly have a crush on tsumu?" suna looked at sakusa with a cat face sakusa blushed and looked away "well i'll take that as a yes ,i wont tell him" sakusa looked at suna "i ant no snitch and osamu will kill you anyways" the two started eating what ever snacks suna got but then...



Sakusa looked at the direction of the voice ,He swore he though he had  seen an angle Sakusa though to himself, "he look's so pretty his hair being pushed by the wind he looked so majestic- oh my god i am so in love with this man" sakusa looked at atsumu and waved with a little bit of blush on his face. Atsumu hugged sakusa when he got close enough "OMI-OMI~ " "y-ya hey tsumu" atsumu stood up and said "who new running from the cops was so stressful" suna looks at atsumu and says "Atsumu your making it sound like where criminals" suna looked around and then worriedly looked at atsumu "tsumu wheres your brother" Atsumu's eyes widen "oh shit I wasn't able to see which way he went when me and kimori were running!" Atsumu quickly took out his phone and tried calling his brother 

[Cut to Osamu running]

"why t-the fuck did i run s-o fucking far" then he felt a buzz in his back pocket so he stoped running a took out his phone to see who was calling him at the ungodly hour turns out it was atsumu so he picked up the call...

"SAMU WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU???!!" osamu took his phone away from his ear because of how loud his twin was being "god damn chill im fucking coming im like half a mile away" and then Osamu hung up and started running again

"asshole said he's half a mile away" atsumu looked at suna who calmed down

TIME SKIP (im running out of ideas for this chapter :/)

"YO I'M HERE" osamu yelled running towards the group "samu!" suna ran towards osamu and hugged him osamu started to blush a bit because of the sudden affection suna then took a step back and "areyouokayosamudoyouknowhoworriediwasaboutyo-" osamu put his finger to sunas lips to shush him "FUCKING HELL I DONT WANNA BE A FIFTH WHEEL HERE" kimori shouted getting the others attention "then why didnt you ask the inarizaki libro to come with us?" sakusa asked ,Atsumu,Suna and Osamus head turned their heads to kimori "THEN CALL AKAGI OR SOMETHING!" sakusa yelled back .osamu ,suna and atsumu were shocked to hear akagi's name again suna gasped :0 "is there something going on between you two?" 

suna did his cat face again

"you know what i will" kimori looked away grabbing his phone out of his pocket and dialed akagi's number there was ringing for a bit then..

"KIMORI WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT" kimori took the phone away from his ear and could hear suna and atsumu laughing "well damn me ,suna ,the twins and sakusa are hanging out right now and i dont wanna be a fifth wheel so can you come?"  "you do realize its like 4:00 in the morning right people are still fucking sleeping"  "ya ya i know but it dont wanna be alone"  "i can feel you pouting through the screen and you owe me food in a few hours" akagi hung up.

"OKAY he said that he was coming i hove no idea when but i think he will be here soon" komiori looked back at the others


"okay im here what are we gonna do" akagi said in a groggy voice "well i was thinking we could walk around the city a bit maby make some chaos  who knows" atsumu said "NO we are not starting chaos again we just got chased by the police and- "YOU GUYS GOT CHASED BY THE POLICE???"akagi yelled "and didn't even think to invite me?" "sorry akagi we didnt plan on getting chased by the police" suna said 

"well damn what did you guys do?"

everyone looked at eachother.....

"wait so your telling me that you broke into a old almost falling apart building and got lost then the cops came so you had to run into the woods to hide"   "ya pretty much" suna said in the most monotone voice possible "you guys are so fucking dumb" " welp whats done is done NOW LETS HAVE SOME FUN" Kimori said and looked towards the colorful lights that filled the streets.


IM REALLY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING i honestly had no ideas for this chapter sorry


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