CHAPTER I: Exploring Tokyo - Preparation

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Disclaimer: I WISH I own Price of Tennis

"This is someone's words out loud." | 'This is someone's thoughts.' | "This is in English"


It was a refreshing and sunny Saturday morning then in Tokyo, and fortunately it did not exclude a small temple strategically placed above a hill. Its surrounding area, as in many others, was covered with an utterly heavenly atmosphere: an ideal setting to wake up to- indeed, and when the heroine finally decided to wake up from her long slumber, she could not feel any better.

A pretty young girl (who had been asleep since 5pm the previous day) with silky greenish-black hair, alluring golden eyes (and height that she wasn't particularly proud of), yawned as she stretched her arms as far as she could... smiling for the good mood from the dream she just had. It was wonderful: she had finally beat the crap out of her father and brother.

"Ah..." She smiled confidently and talked to her sleeping cat. Soon...

"Meow" The cat lazily replied, just waking up from the sound of its master's voice. She laughed and she patted his head, telling him how much of a good boy he was. 'You're going to get a treat.' She told the feline internally and he meowed as if he replied to her thoughts. Her gaze softened even more and she lifted the cat effortlessly, and they both walked to the window to look at the sky.

It was a refreshing and sunny Saturday morning at a place she had never been to before. How could she stay possibly indoors?


"Going to do some exploring, Reina?" Her mother, Rinko, asked as she eyed her daughter when she went down. Her eyes twitched immediately. "Cross-dressing again?" She exclaimed, troubled by how un-girly her daughter was. "I will not allow it, Reina. You're twelve now. And a girl, at that. Start dressing like one. "

Reina groaned in irritation- she liked dressing up liked a boy; it was much more comfortable. Stares of girls were definitely less annoying than men's. Other than that there's the fact that, unlike her (much to her dismay), her brother outgrew his outfits quite quickly. And her brother had a walking closet full of clothes. So his garments were barely used. And they were all branded, too.

After she finally overgrew the clothes herself- which took a depressing amount of time- well, she sold them via the internet. 'E-bay is my friend.' was her motto.

Oh, how many gallons of ice cream she could buy with a pair of shorts...

"But why do I have to dress like a girl, then...?" She asked professionally, trying to reason with her mother.

"That's just the way it is!" Her mother replied. Then when she realized that Reina was going to say something complicated, she cut her off. "And don't 'it's the 21st century and there ought to be new customs' me, young lady!"

Rinko internally sighed. She didn't really mind at first because her daughter was so adorable no matter what she wore. But now that she's a young teen... she already had her 1st period a month ago, too- GAH! She knew she'd regret letting the boys of the house take care of her wardrobe. It was just that her career peaked during her... developmental years, and Rinko was certain her absence had a huge bearing on why her little girl grew up like this.

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