Chapter 2 Meeting an Old man and a Big Oaf

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3rd POV

A man looked down at a pocket watch he had, looking at the time before looking up at the person next to him. "The train is almost here, get ready Hagrid." The wise old man said to the taller male.

The older man was wearing a purple robe that went down to his feet with a pointed hat, glasses shaped like the moon, and a long white beard that was strapped to his belt. The taller man had a big leather coat on with big leather boots, long curly black hair with a long curly black beard.

The train was starting to arrive that morning at 9 am. 3 teenagers walked off with their luggage looking for someone they were supposed to meet. Both of the men started to walk over to the teenagers with smiles on their faces. The teenagers looked around until one of the boys saw the men coming and tapped on the other 2's shoulders.

The 2 turned around and saw the 2 men and got in a tiny fighting stance so that they wouldn't be noticed by others. The older man waved at the teenagers and they started to walked over to a cafe. They sat down at a table outside and got all serious.

"I assume that your 'Dumbledore' and 'Hagrid' or something?" Edward asked kinda rudely. Winry had a rench in her pocket so she hit him on the head with it, like always. "OW!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?!" Ed yelled loudly as more people started to look at him. "Brother please stop! Your making another scene!" Al tried to talk his brother down.

"I'm soo sorry Mr.'s. My brother is always like this, he has worked his anger down though..." Al said while Ed started to shut up. "It's ok Alphonse, I've delt with people like him before. Haven't I Hagrid?" Dumbledore said with a soft voice to Al then looking up to Hagrid. "Hehe, I wouldn't Agree wit' you mor' Dumbledor'"

Once Ed was calmed down, they got back to business. "So, I know that you guys are a little bit older than the new kids so we will put you in your designated years. Miss Rockbell and Mr. Edward will be in 4th year as for Mr. Alphonse, you will be in 3rd year." Dumbledore started to say. "You will be sorted into your houses. There is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. You will get your money at our bank, Gringotts, your wands at Ollivanders, and everything else at Daigon Ally."

"Um, excuse me Mr. Dumbledore. What type of classes are there?" Winry asked. "Ah, there is Astronomy, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbolgy, History of Magic, Potions, and Transfiguration. 3-5 years get some optional classes such as, Ancient Ruins, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Divination, and Muggle Studies.

"Why don't we get some food first before we head off to London, we can chat up some more too." Dumbledore said with a smile as a waiter came over.

Once they left the cafe and finished talking, the 3 teenagers felt somewhat happy with the information they got and started it walk to London. They did get some odd looks because of the 2 men beside them. Once they got to where they were going they walked into a place called the Leaky Cauldron. The 3 teenagers gave each other a odd look before waking inside.

Edwards POV

We walked inside of the 'Leaky Cauldron' and the guy behind the counter yelled out to Dumbledore. "Hey Dumbledore what're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the school?" The guy said. "Well yes I am I just wanted to make sure that these kids got here alright. I'll see you guys later and I'll be back soon Tom." Dumbledore say before he disappeared.

"What the heck?! Where'd he go!" Al said. "Did he use Alchemy or something?!" Hagrid started to walk towards the back of the store as Winry waved goodbye to 'Tom' behind the counter. "No he didn'. He just apparited, yer will learn it in yer 6th year." He said as he walked up to a brick wall.

"What are you going to do, use Alchemy to open it..." I said as I leaned forward and slouched my shoulders. Winry gave me a glare before Hagrid touched the wall with a pink umbrella. The wall started to fold in on itself and in the other side was a bunch of different shops. "Woah!!" Al and Winry said as they looked at everything in the shop windows.

"Hagrid!! Over here!!" I heard a voice call out to Hagrid. I leaned to the side of him to see a guy, my age with dark black hair and glasses, waving Hagrid over to him and a family of red-heads. We walked over to them and they started to talk. 2 of the red-heads came over to us and smiled. "Hi I'm Fred" "And I'm George," "We are the Weasley twins!"

Al smiled to them as the family came over to us. "Hello dears, how are you?" The mother said to us. "Hello! We're doing great! I'm Winry Rockbell, and this is Edward and Alphonse Elric! Nice to meet you Weasley family." She said while smiling. "Well I'm Molly, and you've met Fred and George, these are my sons Percy, and Ronald, my husband Arthur and my daughter Ginny. And these are Ronalds friends, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger."

I smirked and pointed to myself, being all cocky. "Yeah, I'm Edward Elric, the FullMetal Alchemist. I'm pretty famous back at Central for my alchemy." I said to the family. "Well nice to meet you Mr. Famous. I'm Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived, also Mr. Famous." Harry said as he lifted his long bangs to show me his scar.

I smirked and pulled down my shirt to show him the metal and scars still on my shoulder. Then pulled up my pant leg and took off my shoe to show him my metal leg. Al and Winry sweat dropped before Al said something. "Yeah he had a metal arm with his metal leg, and I was a whole suit for armor for a few years too. Only just my soul, trapped in a metal armor, that I was bounded to, couldn't feel, eat or smell...." Winry started to rub Al's back to help with his depressing thoughts.

I looked around with my hands on my hips before sighing. "Hey weren't we supposed to go somewhere and stuff!" I said to the big oaf next to me. Hagrid jumped from my voice and started to walk off. "Well we have to go Weasley's but I hope we can see each other soon!" Winry said to the family of red-heads. Before we left I saw Molly pull something out of her pocket, handing it to us.

I walked up and took it from her reading what it said. "They are tickets to the Quidditch World Cup! If you want it come that is, meet Auther and everyone at this hill. You'll find a portkey ready to go to the arena!" She said to me as I started to walk away, pocketing the tickets. "Ugh ED! Sorry about him but see you soon!! And thanks for the tickets!" Al said to the family as we started to go to Gringotts, the Wizarding bank.

— YOOOO!! I wrote like over 1250 words from the top of my head! Dang. Hope you liked the story! Tell me about any grammatical errors and things! Hope you have a good day/night/afternoon. (It's like 12:30 am where I am right now. OOF lol)

~AnimeLover46 —

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