2. Friend

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Chapter track
Hard sometimes- Ruel

November 5, 2011

My life is dull, it's a fact but I wouldn't say it isn't surprising. Having such a conversation with Aahana was the least of the things I ever expected.

"Never judge a book by its cover"-this quote finally made sense-considering the girl I once thought to be the meanest amongst her bunch of popular kids seems like a myth.

It's been almost a year since I joined this school and I noticed her within my first week there itself as she wasn't someone you could generally ignore. Her physical attractiveness, her confidence, the glints of arrogance in her eyes, her talent in music- everything about her screamed for attention. Nobody could dare and wonder why she is so famous. But, I've never seen her alone. She is like a queen bee-always surrounded by her "friends" and not just them-there would also be the regular ones with envy in their eyes and desires to be like her, trying everything to get noticed by her, to impress her-just like a cliché scene from a chick-lit movie.

Who would have wondered there would be a lonely and restless soul behind that bold physical appearance?

Her sudden exposure has left me intrigued. Could she be something else? Like normal? Or was that just one of her silly pranks?

For now, she is a-mystery.


Just when he finished his job with the diary, he heard the sound of the message arrival on his computer screen which was ready with the logged-in Facebook homepage.

"You there?"

The message was from Aahana which cheered him up instantly.

Nikhil: Yeah, I was actually waiting for your message.

Aahana: That's nice. So, how are you?

Nikhil: Just fine. What about you?

Aahana: Better.

Nikhil: Good. I hope your hunger strike is finally over?

Aahana: Lol...Yeah... I ate even more than I should have. I just hope I didn't gain extra weight

Nikhil: Really? How will I even recognize you tomorrow if you turn into a football?

Aahana: Don't you worry, I won't be black and white, you see and I'll look like the largest football ever, you will easily recognize me

Nikhil: Right! Anyway, I appreciate how you didn't ignore me today at school. (But didn't miss the horrified looks by your friends when you came over to talk)

Aahana: What on earth made you think that I'd ignore you? (Never bother them, they aren't worth keeping in your mind)

Nikhil: You know, I'm treated like an inferior being. Most of them simply avoid me and the others just look at me with pity. It's really annoying.

Aahana: And they call themselves humans, right? I'm not sure if they even possess brains for real. Anyway, I'm different, trust me. I'm your friend??

Nikhil: I'm so glad and lucky to have you—my 'friend'

Aahana: So, tell me about you. I guess I blurted out way too many things yesterday and now being your 'friend', I think I at least deserve to know a bit more about you?

Nikhil: What can I tell you? My life isn't so interesting.

Aahana: As if the fact that my mum died was interesting.

Nikhil: I'm sorry

There was no reply for a long time.

Aahana: Don't be. I should be the one to be sorry for being so blunt

Nikhil: It's okay. Now that I think carefully-you did share things you barely share with anyone else and I should be doing the same, right?

Aahana: Exactly!

Nikhil: So, let me tell you why I can't walk. I'm paraplegic-meaning the lower half of my body is paralyzed.

Aahana: Were you always like that? I mean, born that way or did something happen?

Nikhil: Had an accident, about
a year ago, my spine was fractured so I ended up in a wheelchair

Aahana: I'm so sorry.

Nikhil: It's alright

Aahana: Will you ever be able to recover that state?

Nikhil: I don't know. I've already had a surgery and I have check-ups on a regular basis, that's why I can't be very regular at school. I'm provided with therapies and stuff, so they say I'd eventually recover.

Aahana: You will recover, I know.

Nikhil: How?

Aahana: I don't know why but I just feel it. You know my intuitions are correct most of the time and I strongly believe my inner sight this time as well.

Nikhil: I wish I could think like you

Aahana: You will be cured. And we'll go on a hike someday.

Nikhil: Lol, I'm not sure about that. I'm not even sure if I'll ever be able to walk again

Aahana: Que sera sera... we don't know what our future holds. Who knows? A miracle could happen

Nikhil: That stuff only sounds good in movies and books. Real-life is far more complex. I'm done with hopes and expectations

Aahana: I know, but thinking positively won't hurt anyone

Nikhil: If only it was so easy

Aahana: It's easy for nobody. Yesterday, when I was feeling low-you were the one to encourage. You told me to hope for a better future, isn't it? Why am I supposed to do that when you're the one who's done with it?

Nikhil: I don't know. Anyway, I'm signing off for now. Goodnight

Aahana: Oh, okay. See you tomorrow, Goodnight.


He felt colder than ever as he laid down on his back, staring at the dark ceiling. Nothing helped to warm him up, not the cozy bed nor the warm blankets because it wasn't just the temperature of his room that made him shiver but the lurking reality of his life. The feeling of being a useless burden and being almost half dead haunted him until his soul ripped into pieces.

Only if he could rise up again, everything would be alright.

Trying to get rid of the turbulence in his mind-he shut his eyes tight but he knew the sleep wasn't coming so soon that night.


A/N: So what do you think?

As you all know, this is a short story, so I won't be able to provide each and every details of thier interactions and occasions. Ofcourse I'll provide few hints and highlights and it's your job to use your imaginative skills and figure out everything as you like.

Don't forget to leave a comment and vote.

Happy reading ♡

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