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3rd Person

Oikawa looked at his mother hanging out with another male. "Look at the real murderer." Oikawa walked off as he played with a volleyball on his bed. He soon heard his phone ping. He realised it was from Akaashi. "Him...? Asking me to eat with him...?" Oikawa could not admit the excitement within him. He immediately answered as he rushed to change. He rushed to the venue and spotted the pretty setter sitting, wearing a brown coat and black glasses. He wore long black rip jeans and half tucked white tee with some words on it. Oikawa sat across him with a bright smile. Akaashi smiled, "I'll be in Miyagi for awhile and decided to check on you," Akaashi said as Oikawa smiled. "I appreciate it!" Oikawa ordered himself a drink and chatted with Akaashi. "I...Bokuto bit my neck...I'm forever his...mate..." Akaashi said with a wide grin on his face and a slight blush. Oikawa chuckled while feeling jealousy. "Isn't that adorable! I have been waiting for this day!" Oikawa exclaimed as Akaashi chuckled. "How about you? Isn't Iwaizumi your mate? You love him, don't you?" Akaashi asked without knowing the truth. Oikawa flinched and smiled. "We...parted...We aren't friends anymore.." Oikawa admitted as Akaashi's eyes widened. "How and why?!" "I-i don't really wanted to talk about it..." Oikawa clenched his fist and tried stopping his tears flowing down. Akaashi looked at Oikawa with gentle and pitiful eyes. He soon looked up and said, "Speak of the devil," Oikawa flinched and saw Iwaizumi, Bokuto and Kuroo entering the cafe. Oikawa clenched his teeth and got up. "Thank you for today, Akaashi...I never felt this love in awhile..." Oikawa said. Akaashi glanced at Oikawa and his eyes immediately went wide. He saw Oikawa's teary eyes and yet a bright fake smile plastered on his beautiful face. This made Akaashi go curious. He stared at the seat Oikawa sat on before sighing. "I should meet him again..." "Meet who?!" An exciting loud voice asked as Akaashi smiled. "Bokuto...It's nothing..." Akaashi said as he held onto Bokuto's arms. The owl pouts as his hair flattens a little. Akaashi chuckled at the alpha's cuteness before pecking his cheeks. "If you behave, you can have me for tonight," Akaashi whispered seductively into Bokuto's ears which made him turn bright red. "Y-yes!"

"Oikawa!" The said male spotted Hinata and Kageyama. He smiled at them. "Why are you guys doing here?" He asked as Hinata looked at the male worriedly. "Your eyes are red and swollen! Have you been crying?" Hinata asked as Oikawa nodded. "It's ok," Oikawa smiles as Kageyama sighs. "Can you talk with Iwaizumi? He is mistaking this..." Kageyama said as Oikawa shook his head. "It's useless. He wouldn't listen. I want to accept them.." Oikawa said before walking off. The lovers looked at each other. "Oi idiot...Are you thinking of what i'm thinking?" Kageyama asked the tangerine who nodded. "Let's find Iwaizumi!"

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