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3rd Person

Hinata and Kageyama searched for the vice captain and spotted him hanging out with Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi. "How are we going to do this?" Hinata asked as Kageyama shrug. "Just ask Iwaizumi to follow us," Kageyama boldly entered the cafe and walked towards Iwaizumi and the others. "Anyway-" "Iwaizumi!" The said male turned and spotted the crazy duo. He frowned. "Do you need me for some-" "My student!" Bokuto exclaimed and rubs Hinata's fluffy orange hair. "Bokuto, stop it," Akaashi said as Bokuto pouts. "Remember what i told you," Akaashi added as Bokuto flinched and immediately behave. "Anyways, can we speak privately to Iwaizumi?" Kageyama asked politely which was unlike him. Iwaizumi, who was still frowning, nodded.

"It's about Oikawa." Kageyama said as soon as they got privacy. Iwaizumi sighed and looked at them. "What about that murderer?" Iwaizumi asked as Kageyama clenched his fist. "Oikawa isn't in the wrong! He is innocent!" Kageyama said as Iwaizumi rolls his eyes. "His mother said it! Are you telling me she is lying?!" Iwaizumi retorted as Kageyama sigh. "His mother is rude to him! He is..He is born broken! With only his father loving and supporting him!" Kageyama said as Iwaizumi sighs. "You sound as if you know-" "IWAIZUMI! Oikawa is there crying his lungs out! He is telling everyone it wasn't him! He only wanted to be with his father on the Christmas Night so his mother wouldn't hurt him physically and mentally but it was just too unfortunate since Oikawa just wanted to call and hear the man!" Hinata yells as Kageyama and Iwaizumi looked surprise. "Stop believing his mother! She even cheated on him and you are supporting her at this point of time?!" Hinata yells the truth as he started tearing up. "I hate seeing Oikawa so upset and broken..You're his mate and you are rejecting him...Imagine how he will feel!" Hinata said as Kageyama hugs the male. "I think we've said enough...Think about it, Iwaizumi." Kageyama walked off with a crying Hinata. Iwaizumi stood still, thinking and absorbing whatever the tangerine told him. "Shit."

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