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3rd Person

Iwaizumi reached the familiar house of his childhood friend. He sighed from the feeling of the comforting warmth from the house. He knocked on the door repeatedly. "Oikawa! It's Iwaizumi! I want to talk to you," Iwaizumi said but nothing was heard. He gulped before typing the passcode for the door which Oikawa entrusted him on. He walked into the dead silent house. "O-oikawa? Sorry for intruding. Are you showering?" Iwaizumi went to the bathroom but there was no sound and the lights were switched off. He walked into Oikawa's dark room. "Oi! Why are you lying on the ground like that?! And what's with the smell?!" Iwaizumi shook Oikawa before feeling sticky and weird on his hands. He switched on the lights and gasped with surprise. He trembled as he saw his mate on the ground with a pool of blood next to him from his bleeding arms. Iwaizumi panicked and shook Oikawa. "Shittykawa! Wake up! I'm begging you!" Iwaizumi soon started tearing up. He continues to shake unconscious Oikawa. He hugged his mate tightly. "Please...Don't leave this place without me," Iwaizumi cried as he picked up his phone with a trembling hands before dialing for an ambulance. "P-please...My mate...He cut himself..he isn't responding,"

"I fucking heard about the king!" One of the twins ran into the hospital with a germophobic alpha behind him. Akaashi, Bokuto, Kuroo, Kenma was already there. Iwaizumi was trembling with his blood dried hands. Atsumu stared at everyone before sighing. "What happened, Iwaizumi?! Oikawa wouldn't have done such things!" Atsumu started getting frustrated as Iwaizumi looked away. "I believed in the wrong person. And now he's...He's-" Iwaizumi started crying again as Akaashi comforts him. "There was a time i met him. He mentioned about you. He mentioned about loving you more than a friend and hoped you would have a relationship like mine and Bokuto's," Akaashi said as Iwaizumi cried. "I-i can't lose him! Not this fast!" Iwaizumi cried as Kuroo sigh. "What happened to him?!" Mattsun and Makki rushed to the hospital. "H-he..." Iwaizumi couldn't speak whilst the two felt guilty. "I fucking warned you didn't i?!" Iwaizumi said a crying Hinata with a frowning Kageyama and Karasuno. "Woah...That isn't like Hinata," Bokuto whispered into Akaashi's ears. Akaashi nodded as he felt shocked. "Why didn't you take my words seriously?!" Hinata asked as Iwaizumi looked at him. "I tried! But i was too late!" Iwaizumi said as Hinata clenched his teeth. "Babe...We should leave him alone to rest..." "May i know who would be the guardian of Oikawa Tooru?" A doctor and a few nurses came out of the emergency room. Iwaizumi stood up, "That would be me," "Mr Oikawa is currently unconscious. He lost a lot of blood and not only that, we found minor burn marks on his arms with the cutting marks. There was a big bruise on his stomach. It seemed as if he is a victim of abuse," The doctor said as Iwaizumi trembled in fear. "I-i see..Thank you," Iwaizumi said as he fell after they walked off. Kageyama held on him. "We will let you see him first..." Kageyama said as Iwaizumi nodded. He rushed into the room as soon as they allowed him to.

What's this? Why am i only seeing pure black? W-wait...Isn't that dad?! "Dad!" Oikawa yelled for the male who turned and smiled at him. "My beautiful son,"

Iwaizumi teared up as he saw the state of Oikawa. "I wish you can hear this. I hope to put my name into yours. To let everyone know you're mine...Mine only. I'm sorry for trusting and believing in the wrong person who hurt you so much. Can you please...Please come back into my arms? I want you..More than a mate,"

That sounds like Iwaizumi...Why is he crying? "Isn't that your mate?" Oikawa's father asked as Oikawa nodded. "You shouldn't stay here too long, Oikawa," He said as Oikawa stared at him with teary eyes. "Are you throwing me away just like mom?" Oikawa asked as he shook his head. "I'm returning you back to your love of your life,"

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