The aftermath of the beginning

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I walked up the path, struggling as I tried desperately to fix myself and my appearance.

It's wasn't working.

My tie was loose and my robe was all over the place.

I could see all the other houses fumbled in a group, the Slytherin's being the most dominant in my eye site.

Trying to blend myself in alongside all the other students who had actually managed to make it to class on time was an impossible task, and I was sure to be spotted. 

I could feel every eye fixate on me and my blubbering entrance, and that only added to the throbbing redness enlightening my cheeks.

I can see him.

He was standing nearest to the back and the farthest in front, stood looking as perfect as ever.

His hair was sitting impeccably, despite the warm breeze of the early autumn air.

He looked way better than I did, to say the least.

His side was to me, but I could see his eyes flickering to his right and amusing over my late, embarrassing entrance.

I had been up all night trying to finish my part of the positions homework, as I didn't get it done during the day due to 'distractions'

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I had been up all night trying to finish my part of the positions homework, as I didn't get it done during the day due to 'distractions'.

Draco knew he was the distraction.

I pushed my way up towards the the Gryffindor's, although I hadn't been given my house yet, as there were 'complications', but I had been warned of that malfunction before my arrival here.

For now, I'd managed to propel students out of my way and jostled my way up to Harry and Hermoine.

They had been ever so welcoming during my brief time here, and I feel as though I've taken on a lot of their qualities already and they've reassured me that I'll most certainly be grouped with Gryffindor.

Hermoine looked at me with understanding eyes and clung onto my arm as a silent portrayal that she was glad to see me, but I could feel someone slither towards me.

A cold hand grasped around my wrist, and tugged me away before I could even take into account what was happening.

I found myself behind the tree, the one which Draco was standing beside moments before.

We were out of site to everyone but ourselves now.

He glared at me, my back pressing against the tree and his hand still clasped around mine, the menacing look in his eyes causing my breath to hitch in my chest.

'Where have you been? You look awful.' He laughed, his eyes giving me a slow once over. 

I stared back, my mind starting to wonder as I realised I could play this whatever way I wanted to.

The thought of Draco being desperate for someone's attention but his own pleased my conscious, and I definitely wasn't about to pass up that opportunity.

'Someone stopped by my dorm this morning,' I teased, 'I had to deal with him first.'

I was lying, of course, too panicked to tell him I was still drunk on the aftermath of the 'incident' at the weekend.

Draco blinked, his mouth unhinging accidentally.

'Are you toying with me, Molly?' His grip tightened around my wrist, causing a a gasp to escape out of my throat. 'Because if so...'

But before he could finish his threat, I cut him off.

'If so, what? What are you going to do?' I cocked a brow at him, tilting my head slightly to call his bluff.

'You're so boring, Draco. You're predictable. Why would it bother you anyway?'

He licked his lips and he glanced down to the grass, an amusing smile plastering over his face, although he still couldn't manage to find any words to one up my response.

'Are you jealous, Malfoy?' I played, unable to hide the disbelief in my voice.

Draco's inability to snap back like he usually does caused my own jaw to unhinge and knowing that I'd won this argument prompt my confidence on just a tad further to see how winded of words I could really leave him.

I tugged my hand away, and his eyes shot up to meet mine, burning his eyes through me.

'I didn't dismiss you.'

I stepped forward, a new profound confidence washing over me, one in which I never thought I'd even dare have with Draco, 'I didn't ask for your permission.'

Snatching my wrist from his grip, I nudged past him, feeling the anger radiate off him, and his gobsmacked expression only encouraged on the strength of my nudge.

As we were walking in from class in a huddle, Hermoine slipped beside me, urging herself as close to me as possible as if her curiosity was a secret, and asked about my unusually messy state.

'Are you alright?' She quizzed, shooting a look at me as if I had two heads, although I was usually very well put together, so I could see why this was so shocking.

I paused for the slightest second, pondering upon whether I should tell her everything, but I didn't. I couldn't.

Not after the other night.

I could feel Draco's presence behind me. He was staring, listening, I could feel it, and his presence only taunted me on even further.

'Oh, it's nothing,' I lied, 'I was just trying to mess myself up a bit to try and stop someone so egotistical from obsessing over me even further.'

Draco's scoff that followed echoed through my whole body.

I'd touched a nerve, and I was pleased with myself about it.

'A boy? Is he a Gryffindor?' Hermione pressed further, blinking towards the ground as she whirled all the possible characters my problem could be about.

After a moment or two, her eyes shot up to meet with my own, her head whipping round to meet mine like a dear in headlights.

'Egotistical? So, he's what... Slyth-'

I sharply inhaled, making sure to cut her sentence short immediately.

I was aware of how much Hermione loathed the Slytherin's nature, and I knew she'd scowl at me if she had realised I had untruthfully boasted about how the other night hadn't meant a thing to me.

'The details aren't important, don't worry about it, he's nothing anyway. As for your 'bad boy' question - No, but he damn well thinks he is.'  I chuckled.

At that moment, as the huddle started to slowly move forwards again, the snap of a twig from behind me caused a jolt throughout my body, my legs almost giving way beneath me.

It had been purposely trampled upon carelessly, and with force.

Draco let out a subtle, but devilish laugh under his breathe, clicking his tongue in disapproval to let me know that my cheek hadn't gone unnoticed.

'We'll see about that.' He taunt.

My eyes widened and my shoulders stiffened.

The pool of nerves swirling in my stomach was about to reach boiling point, knowing my earlier challenge to Draco was certainly not going to be left undone now.

I never won these type of feuds with anybody, let alone Draco Malfoy.

I had recklessly challenged the devil, and the confidence within me evaporated quickly as the horrible feeling of realisation set in.

I'd just picked a fight with Draco Malfoy, and if we're basing this on ability to follow through with threats, I had already lost.

Draco's exception (A Draco Malfoy love story)Where stories live. Discover now